electric fan malfunctioning | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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electric fan malfunctioning


Well-Known Member
September 2, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Lafayette, Louisiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Sport

i've got a flex a lite 150 on my 92 explorer. The problem is that when the thermostat kicks the fan on, the a/c clutch starts to cycle as well, even though my a/c button is off. I've got all the wires hooked up right; it had been working fine for about a year or so until just recently. Could the a/c relay be fried? any suggestions / common experiences?


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You aren't running defrost are you? Cause that'll cause the a/c clutch to engage.


nah, good point though.

Did your FAL kit come with a variable speed controller? If so, it's quite possible that there's a wire crossed, or it's back-feeding through the VSC. They've been known to have a bad VSCs, and if that's the case, FAL's tech support is excellent. I'd give 'em a call.

Here's another thought: If you turn on the defrost, does the compressor cause the fan to come on the way it should? (i.e. the fan should come on with the compressor if everything is working properly, but the fan should not trigger the compressor itself)


it doesnt have a VSC, but i probed around with a multimeter and found that electricity was flowing from the a/c clutch plug-in on the fan back to the compressor. I put in a diode from radio shack, and it is now behaving itself. Hopefully the diode will last...it was a 3 amp, 50 volt...any comments on the cheapness of radio shack circuitry?
