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Emergency Brake Help


Active Member
July 28, 2005
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97 xlt
Had to replace emergency brake shoes today. But now I cant get them to adjust. Any ideas. Need help quick.


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They're manually adjusted. Pop the rubber plug out of the backing plate and use a screwdriver to ratchet the star adjuster to snug them up. They are not self-adjusting.


Tighten them up until they touch the drum and then back them off 6-8 notches.

K-D makes special tools for adjusting the star gear. They have a variety of odd shaped bent ends. Some work better than others in certain vehicles. WWW.Eppys.Com sells them. I'm sure any auto parts store will sell them (maybe in a different brand). This thread has some information on the rear drum brakes with pictures.

A regular flathead screwdriver worked out fine for me, sholdn't need any special tools. Also, it helps a bit if you push the spring back while turing the star nut.

when reinstalling the adjuster. Does the adjusting wheel point towards the rear or towards the front. Might have it on backwards. Id think it wouldnt matter which way it points.

when reinstalling the adjuster. Does the adjusting wheel point towards the rear or towards the front. Might have it on backwards. Id think it wouldnt matter which way it points.

Indeed... because it's manually adjusted, it really doesn't make that much of a difference. In an ordinary drum brake, it will make a difference as if it's installed backwards, it'll actually loosen the brakes.

IIRC, if you installed it backwards, it wouldn't line up with the hole in the backing plate (i.e. the adjuster wheel was off-set). It's been a while so it's a little fuzzy though...


Just did mine last week. The star wheel is on the rear side. Don't know if it really matters, but that is how it was.

don't forget to put some grease at the place where the shoes are "hanged" - be carefull not to grease shoes pads !!!!!.
