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Engine Blown... Replace it?


August 29, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Massachusetts -Metrowest
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Ford Explorer XLT
So my uncle who is a mechanic tells me that my engine is blown in my 2003 explorer and I owe $4,500 still on this vehicle.

Right now the best option seems to find a replacement motor even though it will cost thousands in labor alone.

My explorer was a 2003 xlt with a 4.0 v6 flex fuel. I was wondering if I have to match this engine or if I can drop a v8 in? and if it can be from a older generation explorer?

I'm not a mechanic, so I'm looking for any advise regarding this situation.


Also, when the explorer stopped running, the explorer smoked on the highway and oil leaked all over the place and I'm told something blew through a gasket. Is there any chance this engine is repairable? :/

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Find the lowest mileage used SOHC engine, maybe from a newer model year and have it installed. This will be your best bet. Then drive it as long as you can to get your money's worth from the engine replacement or sell it to cut your losses.

With time and $$ you can swap the v8 in. You almost need a complete donor vehicle to do it though.

i'd say it depends on how it stopped running. Did it just lose power? Did you hear a big 'Bang'? Any noises? Does it still turn over?

Thrown timing chain and a seized motor that would be a used or rebuilt.
Blown Head gasket might be repairable?

Its a tough call, in many respects any motor can be rebuilt, it just takes longer and requires more parts, major labor if you don't do it. But that's the thing, depending on the damage if may cost far more to rebuild than buying a 'New' motor; a rebuilt motor is a little less; junkyard motor is the cheapest and usually the most cost effective if its in good shape, but it might also have a problem 'lurking' too.

whats the mileage on your truck?? your better off getting a rebuilt 4.0...less money and drops right into your truck....i always wanted to upgrade to the v8 but its just too much work unless you get lucky and get a whole truck for cheap but thats rare.... best bet is search real good for a rebuilt or low mileage newer 4.0 motor and go that route...since you still owe money on the truck your better off driving the thing than losing it....:thumbsup:

Thanks for the input guys, :thumbsup:

Most likely will end up going with a newer 4.0 engine. Then I can keep driving the explorer. The rest of it is in great shape.

Crossing my fingers though, Insurance said they may possibly declare it totaled and cover the car. Something to do with it being on fire when it stopped running.

Thanks for the input guys, :thumbsup:

Most likely will end up going with a newer 4.0 engine. Then I can keep driving the explorer. The rest of it is in great shape.

Crossing my fingers though, Insurance said they may possibly declare it totaled and cover the car. Something to do with it being on fire when it stopped running.

or get lucky...hopefully they can total it buy it back and your clean free just putting an engine into it....goodluck

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