Engine boils when stop | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine boils when stop


Well-Known Member
March 13, 2015
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1996 Ford Explorer OHV
When I stop an engine, it starts to boil.
This happens when really hot outside.
What is your thoughts about it?


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If the water boils, that means a loss of pressure in the cooling system. Either there is a leak in the cooling system, or the rad. cap is not holding pressure, to (16 psi) I think it should be rated.

Some auto houses will loan tools out with a deposit. See if you can find a test kit that pressurizes your system. If there is a leak, the pressure will go down at a rate depending on the size of the leak. Check your cap and make sure no cracks in the seal, or just replace it. Some kits can test the cap also. Make sure there is no air in your cooling system.

any loss of coolant?

Some auto houses will loan tools out with a deposit. See if you can find a test kit that pressurizes your system. If there is a leak, the pressure will go down at a rate depending on the size of the leak. Check your cap and make sure no cracks in the seal, or just replace it. Some kits can test the cap also. Make sure there is no air in your cooling system.
no pressure on my system


Help us help you - Tell us your cooling system maintenance procedures you've performed over the years.

For example:

How many miles on your Ex?

Cooling flush and replacement.

Thermostat replacement.

Radiator Cap Replacement.

Water Pump Replacement.

Fan Clutch Replacement.

The OHV has a very heavy duty cooling system - if anything it's overbuilt.

It holds up to stop and go PRK traffic in 100+ temps w/ the A/C on as long as it's been maintained.

Need more info
My GUESS is to look at the fan clutch
