engine shuts down while driving | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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engine shuts down while driving


New Member
December 6, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Hudson, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer
Hello all.

I bought a 91 x. I'm having an engine shutdown issue. When I first bought it, the CEL would flash and the engine would shut down for half a second whenever I would hit a bump. I replaced the ignition switch, lock cylinder, and the fuel pump relay. I then removed all the rats nest of wiring from the aftermarket remote security system. I also removed all the wiring for the rolling concert hall sound system some previous owner had installed. I returned all the wiring to its factory position, checked all the connections and made sure the battery was secure. It ran perfectly for two weeks. Now it shuts off again. If you wait a few minutes, it'll restart. Please help. Thank you.

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Did you check to see if there are any stored codes?

And welcome to the site!

I found it

First of all, thank you for the welcome and to the response. It was dark and cold when I got to it. The first thing I checked was the negative battery cable and lo and behold, when I tugged on the cables, the EEC ground wire fell out of the terminal. I replaced the entire terminal and now it's fine. I test drove it over some pretty severe bumps, and it ran perfectly. I know I checked those. I guess it's just one of those things. Again, thank you very much.

By the way

Yes, I did check for stored codes. Surprisingly, there were none. I paid $700.00 for the X. I have another $300.00 into it and several hours of labor. New brakes all around, a radius arm bushing, and Warn manual lockout hubs to replace those crappy auto hubs. I really like Explorers and Rangers. They've been good to me over the years. Thanks for the help and I look forward to coming here more often.

Hey, that's a quick fix. Glad you found it so easily.
