Running board project | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Running board project


July 22, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Cleveland, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 sport trac 4x4
So I had bad sun fade on my running boards, I tried every type of wipe, spray I had with no luck. I decided to try some plasti dip instead. I masked off the boards and put on 2 heavy coats for now. I used one full can on the two boards.
It turned out great, now to see how it holds up over some use and weather.





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I was told by a few buddies it will not hold up, and to use spray on truck bed liner when this wears off. But with some parts i swapped out it only cost me $.54 for the can and it does look great. I dont use the steps anyway trucks not that high so i will report back on how it holds up.

Nice job, looks good triple. As tough as plastic-dip is, it should hold up to the elements decently. However, after a few times of stepping on and off the running boards, it might "rip." My race motorcycle has it on the race plastics, super tough stuff. Unfortunately, the moment I ripped part of the dip, it starting breaking away the more I rubbed against it. I would give more thought to "roll-on" liner than the spray on type. But then again, you mentioned that you dont use the running boards much.

BTW, How's the sub holding out? You ready to replace the door speakers yet? :D

Thats my next problem. I have no sound still amp has power think its the level converter. Ready to just take it someplace. Box sounds great in the house on a 100watt reciever. Killing me in the truck.

Thats my next problem. I have no sound still amp has power think its the level converter. Ready to just take it someplace. Box sounds great in the house on a 100watt reciever. Killing me in the truck.

Just rip out the entire OEM setup. I replaced my ENTIRE system over the course of a day, couldn't be happier.

When money allows i plan on putting in a new head unit and replacing the other four speakers. Might not be till winter time though.

Looks 100% better! Mine were just as bad. Several months ago I used a can of Rustoleum for plastic - has a picture of a lawn chair on the can. I use the steps regularly and it still looks great.



There is some glare from the gloss, they aren't faded!
