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exhaust bending


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January 25, 2004
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Chattanooga, Tn.
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'91 Eddie B. 4x4
i recently got a glass pack muffler and a custom bent tailpipe to the stock hangers on my 91 X. my question is if the exhaust shape will effect the sound quality produced by the muffler. i know the thickness will to a certain degree. and is mandrel bending going to sound alot better? i am going to have another tail pipe bent and welded to the other one and go with a flowmaster 40 single in dual 2.25 out to the stock location. :bounce:

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It will. The sharper the bends in the pipe, the quieter the exhaust will be. Mandrel bending will give wrinkle-free bends, but won't change the sound.


so the bending makes it quieter but does it change the tone of the exhaust

The tone stays the same for the most part. If you go from lots of big bends to a pipe with less and smaller bends, it may sound a little deeper.

Just to let you know, you're not going to find any Flowmaster 40 with a dual out. All are single/single, meaning, your outlet will need to be split from one to two, or you can run a true dual setup.
