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Exhaust Dump Questions

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Currently at the exhaust shop now getting my preached 2.5" exhaust... I took a pic of the turndown-bad idea... And will take pics of the end result. Pics are being taken with my blackberry, so not gonna be top quality...
Posted via Mobile Device

here is the picture of the dump... * BAD IDEA...


Yeah, I don't know why I do that. As for the pipe, If i get them to run new pipes out the back like stock, will they be able to run the end of it higher so that it is the stock (or close) distance from the body with a body lift? The only reason I didn't want to run it out the back is because of the distance the stock pipe has from the body, but obviously safety come first! Other than that, let me get this straight, dumping exhaust on SUV, bad, on truck, not ideal, but not bad. Am I right?

yes a custom shop should be able to run the exhaust just about anyway you want...

trucks can get away with dumps, because the cab isnt over the dump, just the bed is...

doing a test yesterday i was getting CO readings of 11 parts per 1,000,000 in the back seat. When im working at the firehouse, and we get a CO readings of 10 PPM. For general saftey we put air packs on, so yea i quickly went back to the exhaust shop

yes a custom shop should be able to run the exhaust just about anyway you want...

trucks can get away with dumps, because the cab isnt over the dump, just the bed is...

See, you just confirmed it yourself.

i know...

a nieve move on my part, but i learned something from it, and now have the knowledge to give to future members...

me too! I was recommending to a lot of people to dump their exhausts, but not anymore! This thread seriously could have saved some lives.

Hahah man i guess im just lucky, i just got home from vacation...took the ex to texas and back from tennessee (800+ miles) windows up the whole way with a dumped exhaust. I was also doing 80 the whole way but still...man i gotta get my dumped exhaust fixed :p

i dumped my first gen with a flowmaster 50 and went from getting low end of 14 mpgs to about 17, i used to get about 230-240 miles per tank, now its 300+...
not sure what the hell happened lol
