Explorer 01 plastic trim | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer 01 plastic trim


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June 14, 2004
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02 explorer sport
I'm from montreal Qubec and i wanna paint my plastic trim the same color of my truck but my local bodyshop toll me that the snow can flake my paint i wanna know what the best thing i could do to paint my trim (sorry for the lame english)

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I live in St. Louis MO and we get Sub 0 (Farenheight) winters with snow and ice and it has not affected my painted trim. It has been painted for over 2 years now.

Just find a better body shop.

But good luck most won't want to do the work.

i found a place where they can paint my truck but the guy charge 1100$ for the front bumber,side trim and paint my roll pan does it sound good or it's cheap?

I am also from Montreal and I was informed of the same thing form the dealer body shop. I was quoted this from a California body shop. " They've had the textured plastic panels painted on many Explorers. Have the body guy degrease and dewax the panels, then paint them with a high build (two part) primer. Then prep and paint the normal way with a flex agent in the paint." With the extreme changes in weather temp, I am reluctant to complete this.

i live in alabama and mine is white. i was told it would last about six months before i would have to redo it because little rocks and stuff would knock the paint off.

I live in Austin, TX. and I was told the same thing, that the paint would chip off within a year, and they wouldnt touch it either. I'll probably have to pay out the a$$ for someone to paint the grey cladding.

You just haven't found the right body shop and professional paint guy. The main thing is to make sure they paint it right. What do you think the Limiteds and Eddie Bauers are doing? Those are painted. Tell them you want it done right and you won't make them guarantee there work as long as they add flex to the paint and stuff.


I agree that you have to find the right person who is able to do it. However, in my search, I learned that the Sport front bumper comes from Ford to the body shop with some sort of special primer on the part to be painted. At least one paint guy said the primer is what makes the paint stick. I'd guess Limiteds and EBs are primed the same way. Without that primer, a lot of prep work has to be done, and most paint shops either don't know how, or aren't willing.

I finally did find a shop that was willing to paint my bumper and other trim for $300. Once my wedding and honeymoon are paid for, I'll start saving for paint.


I am a little confused. I have an 01 and I can't figure out what plastic trim you guys are talking about. What is not painted?

Can someone look at my website and tell me what it is on mine? As far as I know, everything is painted on mine, even the grill and bumpers.

Hi Brian:

'01 and newer Explorer Sports (2 door) and Sport Tracs (4 door with truck bed) have a section of the front bumper, rocker moldings and a rear bumper that are unpainted plastic. Other Explorers had everything painted. I understand that new Sport Tracks can be had with painted bumpers and trim, but you have to pay for an apperance option. Still, the vast majority of them are not painted. Check out my pic on my registry page, and you'll see what I'm talking about.


Oh ok, thank you. I had no idea what they were talking about. I never looked at either of those models when I bought mine.

I'm w/ you guys i love my truck but not really digging the whole plastic trim,, Makes it look just cheap, 2 tone is a nice look but just not Plastic,

i got my plastic trim painted and it cost 1500 but it looks great. check out before and after. show x in the making

depending where you are located Auto Magik on Hymus Blvd in Dorval, Quebec (West Island) will paint a 2-door spor for 800.00.

ive got a '97, and the buddy who had it before me had alot of the exterior plastic rhino linered...bumpers, wheel well mouldings, trim...he even had the inside console and some accent pieces done. Its been on for about 2 years...it has flaked up a little on my front valance...but i think its held up nicely.
