Explorer 2010 ECM | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer 2010 ECM


November 21, 2020
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2010, explorer 4l
Hello All. I have a 2010 that had a problem with the computer. The Ac sensor on it died so my AC was not working. I went to the junk yard and got a used ine and had it programmed. Im not a acar guru so I did not notice that there were different model. The newly purchased one was programmed but since that time I noticed that the car was using gas more than what it is supposed to. Not sure if it is related to the new programmed computer. Please advice. Then I have found a guy who fixes ECM so I send it to him and he says that he fixed the IC chip for the AC. Today I installed the original repaired computer but the car would not start. Everythingelse work inside the car. I asked the guy who repaired it and he said because Im using a diffrent computer and car cant work with 2 units. Is this true. Logically the car is mainly mechanical parts and the elctronics in the 2010 explorer i believe they dont get programmed. It is only the computer that gets programmed. Can anyone with experience help with this matter.
1-Can we use 2 diffrent computers or the car wouldnt allow it
2- do I need to reprogram the original computer
3- Used computer eith different model could it cause the car to consume more gas.

Would really appreciate the help as Im going creazy

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Ask him if changing the computer would have triggered PATS, Passive AntiTheft System. That's my best guess.

First of all thank you for your reply really appreciated. If the antitheft eas triggered what do you think should be done should I reprogram the Keys to work?
Actually that might make sense as remote and key are the only other items that can be programmed

Yes, I believe the key would need to be reprogrammed.

first you have to find one that was made around the same time.(there is a number to base that from), then it has to be a V6 or V8 one, then your need someone to change the VIN number to yours and finally re-program your keys. If you have a switchable OBD reader and Forscan software you can do it yourself.
Interesting that I had an AC problem like you.

1+ 2. Whatever swapped PCM needs to be "as build" paired to the IC via IDS or Forscan.even with the Vin was already programmed.
Or thief mode DTC will be detected and the car will not crank.

3.gas consuming issue is not related as long as the PCM p/n really fits to the car.

Thanks guys for update. Actually the guy who programmed my used PCM did not code the VIN number he only programmed the PCM with the car and then programmed the remotes. The issue is thatI was not there when he did it. My brother in law did it for me because he knew the guy. He wanted to charge me 300 USD but he did it for 100 for my brother in law. Heis a lock smith but it seems that he is not that knowledgeable. Now with the original bieng fixed how can I reprogram the keys if I dont have any key. Can it be done by forescan orI need to go to a locksmith. If it can be done by forescon is there a procedure on how to do it.

@Ruddy. What did you do for your AC problem.
@Bazz270 the m9del is different but is there a place to explain the difference in models to start chasing down the problem

Could be done by Ford dealer IDS tool.
If the PCM pairing process wasnt performed right (in the exact PCM pairing manner described at factory workshop manual) or wasnt completed somehow,the PATS system wont allow any new key to be reprogrammed.

The spare PCM itself should be at least the same engine for and the same vehicle production year.if not,as build code should be corrected manually via as-build editors.

This describes the process. The "wait" process worked for me and my 2010.

As far as AC, the new PCM solved that.( Before that i replaced the compressor myself)
I did send in my PCM to fix ac circuit, but they could not find anything. Proved later it was heat related.
I did have major groundfaults with new PCM. Cleaned up the ground wires and now test driving. No AC issues though.
There is a recent post on here where the guy has two pcm's and had two different sets of problems proving it is all PCM related

Thank you for info. I will try to look for it in this wonderful forum. I will also try the forscan method. Just to iterate more. The guy who programmed the newly purchased PCM was able to program the PCM and the keys. The car was running fine but I found that car consumes a lot of gas like first when I fill the tank full the dashboard shows 500KM for the tank but I end up almost half of this amount. Also noticed that battery light was coming on eventhough I have replaced both the alternator and battery. In both cases I purchased original ford parts. So since I bought my PCM from a junkyard. Here in the Middle East they are nit knowledgeable like you guys and I was a newbie to this I did not pay attention to the fact that there are different models and I should have picke the one similar to original. Having said that I thought the original would fix all these issues so I send it for repair.
By the way where did you send your for repair. I might be having the same problem as you. Ie heat problem and that means the guys who repaired my AC chip just ripped me off. The reason why Im saying this is because my compressor would stop working after 5 to 10 min of driving but once you poor water on it it works again until it heats up again. So what do you suggest should I try to reinstall original PCM and just program keys. Or go with anothe PCM ociously same model this time. And if I get a new one can I program it myself with forescan. Really appreciate your feedback

here is a summary of my woes:
If original computer had no other problems except AC then I would go with that. The chip they replaced could have only failed when hot.
Mine would would send an on/off signal to the compressor so quickly it would act like a locked up compressor. At idle it would rock the engine hard and even the body would sway like some big was pushing on my side.

Good day to everyone. This is an update and new problem popped up rhat needs your assistance. After successfully reporgraming the keys to work with the original ECM noe everything works and no more battery light on. Also AC is working too. The new problem is the ABS and Anti skid lights that are on. There is an annoying warning with loud moise that comes on every 5 min or so and says something like SRC need service. Searched around here locally and I was notified that it needs to be reprogrammed too. the guy who can program it wants to charge 150 USD. Is there a way I can avoid that. I have the Autel FX4000 scanner with that be of any assistance. Thank you guys and God bless

Perform full PCM paring procedure (use forscan or IDS) .ABS to PCM to IC should be paired during this procedure.
