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Explorer driving me crazy

In regards to the rough idle, I'm planning to try running the Chevron fuel injector cleaner through the gas tank, and cleaning the maf sensor and throttle body

In regards to the rough idle, I'm planning to try running the Chevron fuel injector cleaner through the gas tank, and cleaning the maf sensor and throttle body
Also check for an intake/vacuum leak. One of the most common issues of cars of this vintage.

@relgro I couldn't tell you what would be involved on 3rd generations (I only know 2nd gens) but a few searches could probably get the answers to any questions you'd have, concerning the front ends. Good, on new hubs, that saves you some worry there! Since you'll be under there, you might as well check the ABS wires for damage, make sure the wheel speed sensors are plugged in correctly (one being loose can trigger ABS light) or, if you've got time to kill, compare all the connectors and harnesses with the ones on your other Explorer, to see if there could be wires broken or missing, and/or trade them out for the good ones from your other Ex.

If your old control arms aren't bent or rusted, you might as well save some money and some pain and just switch the whole arms. Good thought. Only issue there might be if for whatever reason there were different control arms available for different engine/drivetrain options, but I can't think of any reason that would be the case. Check before you attempt.
