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My '06 is the same, a continuation of the previous generation's badging scheme. For '07 & '08 they switched to the front fender badging for V8's. Then for '09 and '10 they eliminated the V8 and Explorer badging. That coincides with the elimination of the V6 and "Escape" badging on the Escape beginning in '09. That was when gas prices spiked in '08 and they wanted to remove any indication of a gas guzzler. Even though the Expy's V8 and V6 consume about the same.

Yeah, it's kind of aggravating because I bought body side molding from brandsport.com for the 2008, and used the emblems on the doors for spacing and height and all that. Now I just bought the molding for the 2010 and I guess I'll to wing it. But the molding is definitely worth it to help with door dings

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I like having the badges because the V8 is much harder to find and it's like you're in an exclusive club. :D

I think it used to be that engine displacement was a status symbol. Which is why BMW and Mercedes went so far as to incorporate the engine displacement into the model name on every car. Now it seems it's just the opposite - smaller is better, especially with turbos.

I for one was glad to have the "24V" plaque on the rear of my Contour years ago to announce to everyone that I was not driving a lowly 4-banger. But maybe that was a different me...

Well gosh darn !! I just went and got myself my first V8 and now all these fancy schmancy turbo's come out with these bazillon hp 4 bangers. Eh there is nothing like the instant torque of a V8 vs a turbo charged V6. I might only have 2hp more but the 4th gen is way faster to 60!! WOOOT!!

I like having the badges because the V8 is much harder to find and it's like you're in an exclusive club. :D

I still have the V8 badges from my '08, maybe it's time to pop them on the 2010 :D

I still have the V8 badges from my '08, maybe it's time to pop them on the 2010 :D

Or get creative and slap some of them old Mustang (GT 4.6L) badges on her.;)

I still have the V8 badges from my '08, maybe it's time to pop them on the 2010 :D

I don't have mine on and I am perfectly fine not bragging to the world about it. Throw a good exhaust on and you won't need a sticker to tell everyone you have an 8 cylinder.
