Tha Snowman | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tha Snowman

Tha Snowman (now with Pics)

Well I've been on here a while and just seen the registry so I figured I'd post in here.

2002 Explorer XLT 4x4 4.0
Pretty much stock, minus the dent and missing panel where the foglight goes.
235/75/16 Dayton Timberline AT's.
I'm in Anchorage, AK and always looking for **** to do around here, whether its tearin the truck up or other stuff.

Main email is the other is

Here's my stock X. Don't pay any attention to the white tape around the drivers rear window. I'm waiting to take that off wherever I decide to wash it.







Enjoy. And if those of you that are here in Anchorage see me out don't hesitate to say What up.

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I'll get some this weekend after I play in the mud some more.

Welcome aboard. The last time I was in Anchorage It rained over Christmas of 69 I was stationed in Juneau then. I hope you enjoy your tour it is beautiful country.

Bump! now w/pics

nice...what happend to the back bumper cover? lol lookin good tho.

where did you get those pics at?...on base i figure...

Yeah I took them on base.

The rear bumper cover is from going places you should never take a 3rd Gen Explorer. Same thing with the front foglight insert. If you notice my running boards are a little bent aswell.

love the wedgewood blue but how can you take that truck off road? fully independent suspension and 235's all around have to kill most of the fun.

Well I'm not gonna say its never been stuck. But honestly I'm gonna stop taking it off-road and it gonna be my tow ***** for my soon to have 4-wheeler.
