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factory trailer wiring harness for 98 need by tommorow


Well-Known Member
September 13, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
St. Louis MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer
I have a problem, and I need it fixed tonight, for tommorow, I have a 98 with the factory trailer wiring hook up, and its always worked fine, untill about 2 days ago, when it just stopped working, and now, I have no trailer lights at all, I know its not the trailer, cause we hooked up my ranger to the trailer, and the lights worked fine,(cant tow the boat with the little 4 cylinder ranger) is there like a fuse that blew or is there even a fuse that goes to the lights, the tail lights still work on the explorer..need help like 10 minutes ago..so I really need help now.. :(

Dumb question, but have you checked your fuses? On my '98 there 3 separate fuses that cover the trailer wiring. Numbers 3, 7, and 30 according to the manual. Good luck!

are you talking about the fuses on the dash board, on the driver side, or under the hood?

Driver's side, when the door is open. They're behind the panel in the end of the dash. Mine blew once when I backed a boat in and forgot to disconnect the harness first. :rolleyes:

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