FCIM (sony faceplate) problem - part # question. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FCIM (sony faceplate) problem - part # question.


June 27, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Loomis, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer Sport +402A
So in the past few days, as the temperature has risen (norcal) my FCIM has started acting up by randomly turning off the ac and begins a constant "clicking sound" of a unknown button being repeatedly pressed. Turning the volume dial slightly stops this and I can get things back to normal for a while but the problem repeats in a short time. In reading the various posts here, seems pretty clear I need a new FCIM. Fine.

But what is the replacement part number? The only number I find is DB5Z-18842-HA but its showing discontinued and no alternate #. Is there a revised part number for the panel or is used my only option? Do I at least have the right part #?

Used really doesn't seem like a good idea given how prevalent this issue seems to be with the capacitance touch.


2013 Explorer Sport - 226k

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You have the correct part number and yes it is discontinued and there is no alternate part number.
I did find this Ford DB5Z18842HA Radio Module Interface | eBay
I believe that finding one on the Internet or a used one from another source would be your best bet.
Good luck and 73.


You have the correct part number and yes it is discontinued and there is no alternate part number.
I did find this Ford DB5Z18842HA Radio Module Interface | eBay
I believe that finding one on the Internet or a used one from another source would be your best bet.
Good luck and 73.

I did find that ebay listing but it has the note "This item is out of stock.", I'll keep looking - thanks for the confirmation.


car-part.com is typically your best bet, unfortunately new factory units aren't available and the design sucks so they're going to get harder and harder to find until some enterprising company makes re-mans or repops or something. Any 2011-2015 FCIM for 8" radio will bolt in and work if it has the controls for your config, the sony branding is just branding. That said you'll have a stored code at a minimum for the VIN not matching and you may or may not have issues if you have heated/cooled seats or other high end features as a lot of those route through the FCIM, especially during a remote start. All of them can be fixed with FORSCAN or IDS at the dealer though by re-writing your factory config. If you find one from a vehicle with the same options it should work, the VIN # has no actual effect on the car but for whatever reason ford chose to put the VIN in the module and you get a mismatch code if you ever run it on an advanced scanner.

So in the past few days, as the temperature has risen (norcal) my FCIM has started acting up by randomly turning off the ac and begins a constant "clicking sound" of a unknown button being repeatedly pressed. Turning the volume dial slightly stops this and I can get things back to normal for a while but the problem repeats in a short time. In reading the various posts here, seems pretty clear I need a new FCIM. Fine.

But what is the replacement part number? The only number I find is DB5Z-18842-HA but its showing discontinued and no alternate #. Is there a revised part number for the panel or is used my only option? Do I at least have the right part #?

Used really doesn't seem like a good idea given how prevalent this issue seems to be with the capacitance touch.


2013 Explorer Spor
I ended up buying one off of eBay from a 2015 with low mileage. Cost me almost $700.

Careful who you buy from as another used one could have a short life also. I saw one where the seller clearly took the picture with the FCIM on the gravel ground at the scrapyard.

The 2015 appears to be slightly redesigned, so hopefully they tried addressing the warranty issues with it

If you use Forscan, you can monitor all the buttons on a graph and find the culprit. It's not hard to take it apart and cut the trace for the guilty button (if it's one you can live without). You will need a torx driver set to take it apart.

I had the same problem,dissasembled the unit ,very easy job,there were greasy dirts on the PCB inside,cleaned the greasy area with brush topped into thinner,or any non very aggressive pcb electronic cleaner,resoldered the problematic area,now works like new! The buttons are capacitive reacting to anything,so any dirt can cause this...

I had the same problem,dissasembled the unit ,very easy job,there were greasy dirts on the PCB inside,cleaned the greasy area with brush topped into thinner,or any non very aggressive pcb electronic cleaner,resoldered the problematic area,now works like new! The buttons are capacitive reacting to anything,so any dirt can cause this...
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


I had the same problem,dissasembled the unit ,very easy job,there were greasy dirts on the PCB inside,cleaned the greasy area with brush topped into thinner,or any non very aggressive pcb electronic cleaner,resoldered the problematic area,now works like new! The buttons are capacitive reacting to anything,so any dirt can cause this...
How do you know were the area is that needs to be soldered.

How do you know were the area is that needs to be soldered.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I'm just guessing but there likely were signs of bad solder joints that he just touched up.


Unfortunately,after resoldering some points didnt solve the issue,after 2 days problem returned back.So I did put diagnostic scan tool in live data stream and saw that 2 buttons were doing the problem: the (-) button ,down center left, and the internal air recirculation button!. They were making the annoying clicking noise,when touch the central volume button it was dissapearing for some time,but it was returning problem. So what I did: dissambled the face plate and removed the tiny little 6 leg chips and made the buttons non active-and problem is gone now,so I use these buttons from touch screen climate menu ,so far so good, 1 month no clicking any more.I can upload picture of chips if you need.
Best regards!

I did find that ebay listing but it has the note "This item is out of stock.", I'll keep looking - thanks for the confirmation.

The FCIM is Plug-and Play or requires programming? I unplugged mine, which sets HVAC to Front Defrost-Full Fan-Full Heat. It get quite uncomfortable in a few minutes.

The FCIM is Plug-and Play or requires programming? I unplugged mine, which sets HVAC to Front Defrost-Full Fan-Full Heat. It get quite uncomfortable in a few minutes.
If you get the same style as you had you can just plug it in. The FCIM actually has the VIN programmed in it but aside from setting a code in the module itself it doesn’t seem to affect it working. You can always program it fully with forscan if you have it.

The FCIM is Plug-and Play or requires programming? I unplugged mine, which sets HVAC to Front Defrost-Full Fan-Full Heat. It get quite uncomfortable in a few minutes.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:

