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Fender bender

my friend got into an accident with his 2001 pathfinder. it was a minor little fender bender where he hit a saturn. He had those grill guards, and it bent in.(how cheap those brackets are) and somewhat nicked his paint. however, the owner of the saturn has a few scratches and wants to go tot he dealer and get it painted. Does anyone know how much it will cost approximately to repaint the rear plastic bumper of the saturn?

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Bank on around $800 or so, I really have no idea on the exact cost, but I do know it's not cheap

It all depends on where you take it. I know guys that will do it for cost materials and a six pack of beer. I also know some shops will charge about 300-500 and some shops that will charge more or less like I said it all depends on the place you take it. You could call the dealers and ask the about how much it is to paint a saturn bumper.

wow.. 800? imagine what woulda happened if someone on this board with a solid steel bumper hit the saturn..

oh yeh.. anyone know about how much you would have to pay if you brought back the car with damage at the end of the lease? he said the lady in the saturn said she leased the car and he thinks it might be cheaper just to pay her how much the dealership will charge her if she brought it back wtih a few paint scratches.

Originally posted by jssong
wow.. 800? imagine what woulda happened if someone on this board with a solid steel bumper hit the saturn..

You know what's funny about that? About a year and a half ago I was rear-ended by a Cutlas Supreme with plastic bumpers. Bent the hell out of my rear bumper and didn't even put a scratch in his. :rolleyes:


Big misconception.
Those plastic bumpers are merely covers.
Beneath those plastic covers are bumpers or
reinforcements. Often made of steel , aluminum or fiberglass.
I will add though a few , not many , but a few cars do not have any thing ( Honda CRV for one ) on the rear , but federal law mandates that there be some sort of front bumper / reinforcement

yup... for a new suv to be sold they have to pass federal crash tests for 5 mph.... trucks have less leinient standards... i too, would say around $800-1000 if the dealer ships it out to be painted.... those dealer guys aint cheap.... call up saturn and ask......

my friend said a body shop was gonna do it for the lady including 2 days for car rental during the paint process for 450... is that a good price? the rental is about 25 a day so about 400 for paint and 50 for rental.

including the labor? that is good... go for it
