Fighting A Speeding Ticket in MA | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fighting A Speeding Ticket in MA

I was busted in ky doing 100 on I64(racing VW in rented dodge entrepid, blu his doors!). This was at night and trooper said he PACED me at 100. Judge at court could have taken my licsense(automatic if going 100 or over) but gave me 6 points and 130.00 fine. I asked him on way out if could have driver school and he said "not no, but hell no!"

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Heres a trick I was told, Maybe its Bs but who knows. In Maryland you wait for your court date and what you do is go to court the day of your trial and say sometihng came up I cant attend can I reschedule. You have to pay the ticket but they set another court date for you right there on the spot. The thinking is that instead of the original date set on the cops court schedule you now have another date set on another date when the officer may not have to be in court and you have a better chance of a no show. My roomate swears by this system but like I said it may be bs!

Good luck man. Keep us updated, post tomorrow

GOD DID I GET A LUCKY BREAK. I was found NOT RESPONSIBLE. They really keep you hanging untill the very end the officer representing the town told her side, all very seriously, and then the Clerk asked me my side, which I did I horrible job of telling my story. I thought well there goes $205. But To my amazement the clerk said based on my good driving reccord I was found Not responsible, and just too watch my speed. I realized there was no way of getting out of a 58 in a 35 for a good driving record. So I said thank you and as I was leaving, the cop smiled at me and said good luck in Pat Schmol's class, who happens to be my EMT instructor. SO I owe him big time for saving my @ss, well thanks for all the advice everyone, luckily I didn't need it.

Congratulations! If only we could all have your luck...
