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Fire Extinguisher Mount


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more
A few months back I started playing with the free version of Google Sketchup. One of the things I drew was this fire extinguisher mount based on some I saw online. It is pretty basic mainly cause I was not sure how well everything would work and did not want to spend a ton of time on something that might not work. Here is what I came up with.


I knew Brian1 from this site had a CNC Plasma Table. So after a few emails back in forth I was able to create a .dxf file that he could use to create the parts. One of the things is that the free version of sketchup does not let you export as .dxf. I found a plugin online that allows you to export as .dxf. Here is a screen shot of what I sent him.


A few days later a USPS flat rate box shows up with these in it.


I originally was just going to use a pin but decided to order a bling pull pin from Mcmaster carr.


After welding them up this is what I came up with. My welding location is currently in a highly flammable mountain area so I plan on doing the finish grinding elsewhere.



Some of the things I discovered. Allowing 1/16" of slop between parts was to much. 1/32 or a bit less would have been better. I also miss having my welding table and garage with all my tools in it. A tailgate and no clamps or magnets suck. Looking at the parts now I probably would have made the base bigger so it would be easier to mount on a flat surface. The knob version of the pull would probably be better then the T that I bought. Overall I am happy with it and want to give a huge thanks to Brian1 for cutting the parts for me.

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Cool! Glad I could help. Have you mounted the extinguisher to it yet?

Those quick release brackets are pretty neat. I made a few up myself a few years back after seeing one at Off Road Expo. Back then I had to cut them by hand which took alot of time.

Part number of the pin you used please? I have looked at those but never found one that I thought would work with the right dimensions.

Good stuff Matt (and Brian:D) I need to get some extinguishers mounted in the Ranger now that I have something to mount it to.

Here's the pins I bought for my mudflap brackets if that helps Brian...looks to be about the same as Matt's except I got the ball ended one's. I just bought the cheapest, smallest ones i could find.


..Where are you going to mount this?

...Pics of it mounted when you take them please..:popcorn:

Cool! Glad I could help. Have you mounted the extinguisher to it yet?

Those quick release brackets are pretty neat. I made a few up myself a few years back after seeing one at Off Road Expo. Back then I had to cut them by hand which took alot of time.

Part number of the pin you used please? I have looked at those but never found one that I thought would work with the right dimensions.

Part Number 90222A503 If I did it again I would probably use part number 90222A415 The locking feature is kind of nice but I am not sure if it is really needed. Plus without it you save $5. I only welded up one of the two I had cut. I want to see how it works out.

I just welded it today and you sent them to me what 2-3 months ago? With the speed I work on stuff between working out of town and a 4 month old who knows when I will get it mounted up. Not even sure where I will put it for that matter.

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