FIX/RE-CLEAR ALUMINUM RIMS ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My rims are starting to look pretty ratty with corrosion and clear coat peeling from past owners putting wheel weights on the outside. has anyone fixed this themselves I see there are places that do this but I would like to try it myself .Help


I personally did that very thing on my '85 Mustang GT, got a spray on stripper and took the clear off, polished up the corrosion, a good product for that is Magic Mix, you can usually find it in any truck stop, truckers that I know love the stuff. Then you can spray clear over it but make sure it is a clear for auto's like Duplicolor that you'd buy in any auto supply place cause its UV protected and won't yellow. Advised a friend to do the same for his Ranger and it made a big improvement.

Todd, a company called Eastwood sells a wheel refinishing kit. When you go the site, click on the "buffing/metal finishing" icon on the left side, then the link for the wheel refinishing kit. It runs about $80, and should do all 4 wheels. They also sell a clear coat stripper, and a clear coat spray that you can respray the wheel with when you are done. Or you can also do like Kebber did, get a clear coat stripper, and a good metal polish like Meguiar's or MAAS, and use some good 'ol elbow grease. Then just re-clear the wheels when you are done. The first option will give you more of a chromed look, and may work better on serious corrosion.

Thanks for the info. guys ,I think Ill give it a try whenever I can fit it in . Ill let ya know how it goes
