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November 10, 2005
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:) Which one?
So as far as I could find there are at least 5 different styles of fender flares for 95-2001’s? Many of the older posts on flares have bad links on all the pictures. I’m looking for something like the white 95 but is the wrecking yards really the only place to get flares that fit?

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The fender flares that mold into running boards are the largest flares. There were two styles of those, the 95-98's were like that top right blue truck above. The 99-01 flares have an odd lip on them, which that red truck above has on it.

The other OEM flares were on models with a small rocker skirt part below the doors. Those were the smallest flares, they don't stick out as far as the larger/wider versions. I bought a pair of the front flares like them, the middle white truck above has those. I'm not sure about that top left white truck, those flares look as wide as the common 95-98's style with running boards.

The bigger flares require holes drilled into the fenders and quarter panels, plus the rear doors. The narrower flares attach easily with small screws going into the fender edges, same as the fender screws there.

I like the bigger flares for sure. The ones on the first white one seem to cover the steel flare/body lines over the fenders farther than the ones on the blue car. The others start farther down the bulge. Optical illusion?

I ordered larger tires and wheels today so am looking to install flares and the local wrecking yards don’t have any 2nd gen cars.

ok so you have the XLT ones made to just wrap around
2 different EB ones to mate to a running board
sport for the 2dr crew

i want to say that first one is not a stock option the stock xlt ones srent thst large that has to be aftmkt imo. and yes wrekcing yards usually the only places, but i have seen a few aftermarket iirc let me look

I found these Bushwacker ones for a 2000 ranger and they have the same look as that first white car. Maybe those are aftermarket like you say? They do seem to cover the whole “bump’ on the fenders and I like that look better.

Does anyone know if Bushwacker used to do these for our Explorer? I know the fronts will work but I would have to do a cut out for the rear doors. Lucky 2 door guys! 😎


I found these Bushwacker ones for a 2000 ranger and they have the same look as that first white car. Maybe those are aftermarket like you say? They do seem to cover the whole “bump’ on the fenders and I like that look better.

Does anyone know if Bushwacker used to do these for our Explorer? I know the fronts will work but I would have to do a cut out for the rear doors. Lucky 2 door guys! 😎

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im not sure they made one for us. i have only cone across the universal rubber ones, but i havent looked too hard either. let me see if i can come across an X with the universals so we can compare

edit: havent seen any universals yet all pics outdated but i have seen others say theres no afternarkets fir ours except thenuniversal rubbers

There ain't really anyone making them for us 95-01s. I did like 3 months worth of searching, they make universal like 2" rolls and such that ya stick in the fender well as a flare, which would work and seen a few do. Otherwise yeah, have to probably find a junkyard one with them, may see some on Ebay, found a few there as well. And sadly we cant use the ranger ones, not without modifications, different fender shape at least for the front end. Could always swap to a ranger front end, few have done that. But yeah, no one genuinely makes them for us, may be able to nab some for a blazer or a 4runner and make those fit, but not sure on that one, probably not an easy one. And that last picture, those ain't technically fender flares, that's just kind of a wider fender from the newer body style they were trying for the 3rd gens. So what fits for the standard 4 door 95-01s, I dont believe fits on that that '01 sport, I could be wrong.

Extremely doubtful Ford paid anyone for fender flares.

If you get the OEM wide flares, make plans for buying the special fenders also, plus making a template for the rears to drill holes for the flares.

The 95-98 and 99-01 flares take different holes I gathered, which are built into them. I had to drill the holes in the rear doors and quarter panels.
