Flip up or above dash GPS-2004 EB Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Flip up or above dash GPS-2004 EB Explorer


New Member
July 11, 2009
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City, State
Atlanta, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Ford Explorer Sport
I had a cellular mat that was given to me on the dash of my 2004 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer edition. The summer heat and the mat material was noy made correctly ended up blistering the dash right above the OEM Visteon 6 CD entertainment system. The estimates to repair from the Ford Dealers are very expensive at around $3,000. I am trying to think out of the box to replacing the entire dash.

Has anyone seen a stereo,gps,navigation system that has the screen flip up above the dash? I was thinking that I could get the OEM unit pulled and have an aftermarket system replace it but that unit would need come through the top of the dash to eliminate the blistered area.

Can anyone suggest such a system or suggest another idea to get rid of this blistered area? Even though the company is willing to replace the dash at 3,000 dollars if I could get a major upgraded stereo nav system for $ 1,500 t,hen it is a winning situation for all.

Thanks for any ideas!

I am a BIG fan of the aftermarket. If you are planning on spending 1500 on a radio now days that one hell of a setup. If you dont want to do a flip up you can also do a double din. It does require you to "trim" slightly the lip on the radio opening however the factory can go back in without noticing the trimming.

A flip up unit sits in the normal radio opening and the screen site in front of the dash. unless you are looking into some sort that i dont know about.

IMO pioneer and kenwood both make nice nav, dvd, bluetooth combos that would do great for you.

On a side note what kind was the celluar pad??


Thanks for the reply. Here is the thread I posted a month ago showing the blister. http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=326029

It is right above the OEM radio and that is why I was wondering if there is a way to have a system that has a lid that would sit flush or just above the dash. I would want to touch the lid or hit a button and a screen would raise up showing a video screen with a Nav system. There is a good amount of space beneath the blister where the OEM 6-disc CD/stereo is located.

I am not a big car stereo person. I can live with AM radio myself listening to talk and sports. LOL. However, I do like gadgets and it would be cool to something fun and innovative if possible. In fact, I thought about an IPAD, Tablet or Nook type screen would possibly work.

I bought this 04 Explorer EB in July and it only has 52,000 miles on it. It is great shape and my wife bought me this cell phone pad because I had one in my previous car. There is plenty of places to put stuff in the Explorer that I really did not need it. But, like an ugly sweater that you receive you make it a point to wear it from the gift giver. I was just amazed that it blistered in the exact shape of the of the pad. It was a $ 5 item on clearance at a retailer. The product was made in China so the importer is dealing with them coming up with a solution. It will be interesting to see what happens.

It seems silly to me to give the Ford Dealer $ 3,000 so I can see a boring dash pad again. So, if I can upgrade the SUV, why not ?


that would be a complete custom thing then. If theres a will there is a way, but to do somethign like that you would be looking way more then 1500. Some cars that have them as options (like infiniti) you can get the factory parts to do it. but in your case they would have to cut your dash and custom make it fit and function.

IMO have they company pay for their mistake and get the dash fixed. If you then want to do a gps radio then replace the stock in its location.
