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Flipping Sport in Four Wheeler?

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Yea im pretty sure it is....That SUCKS!

Could be
or for some reason i was thinking older toyota 4runner

I've got a huge stack of magazines that have come that I hadn't gotten around to readin yet, and I hadn't even opened this issue yet.

However, now that you mention it, it does look like a 1st gen sport, however I can't see any badging whatsoever.

Kinda weird though, because someone obviously spent quite a bit of time on it (the custom rear bumper and maybe looks like a custom front bumper), and it's a trail-only rig (no glass in any of the windows), however the wheels don't look much bigger than stock at all.

You know, this is the second time I've seen an Explorer in the "Oops" section of an off-roading magazine, but I don't think I've ever actually seen any in the magazines. Maybe this is how the public gets a distorted view of Explorer safety...:D

Originally posted by ok89
Could be
or for some reason i was thinking older toyota 4runner
I was thinking that at first too, but I dont remember any 2dr 4runners. THen again im sure im wrong:rolleyes:

there were a lot of 2dr runners, convertables too, but that's a 1st gen sport, seen it a few times in mags and on the web, always rolled though

but it's more like a 4 door than a Sport..... even my 10 year old when asked answered... Yeap, that's an Explorer allright!


You know, this is the second time I've seen an Explorer in the "Oops" section of an off-roading magazine, but I don't think I've ever actually seen any in the magazines. Maybe this is how the public gets a distorted view of Explorer safety...

actually, this edition of fourwheeler had an article on an explorer in it. it is somewhere in the middle, in some sort of extended readers rides section. its a first gen with some lift and tires and stuff. its nice to read about something other than a huge superduty in that magazine every once in a while.

Is there a link somwhere where this photo can be seen? If not can someone scan it and post it??

haha.........I just wanted to see the pic that is all! I wanted to know how someone could mistake an Explorer for a 4runner.

I will scan it and post it for you. BTW that is my Explorer in the middle of the mag on page 94 :D .

Well scan that page also and post it!!

Pic in Four Wheeler

My pic in Four Wheeler

Originally posted by NH25
I will scan it and post it for you. BTW that is my Explorer in the middle of the mag on page 94 :D .

Sweet!! Nice X man! :thumbsup:

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Oh man that flip looks like it gonna be nasty!!! Thanks for posting it. I think it was worth the harrassment I got. And yep that is definitely a 1st gen Ex. Soon to be a convertible Ex

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