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Is that true dual (2 mufflers) or just one muffler with 2 exiting exhaust pipes? Did you notice any lost torque that everyone speaks of?


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are you asking if i only have one muffler and two pipes coming off it? if so, yes. but some people have it setup with two mufflers i think, also i havent noticed any lost torque, i have noticed increased power though, especially with the knn air filter.

Foned, how do you like your exhaust so far? i want to get the same setup you have, but probably with the Flowmaster 50 muffler. does it drone when cruising?

i got a 50 series mufler and cant hardly notice a sound difference

I recently got duals put on my Sport. I was gonna go with Flows but I decided to go with a cheaper kind. Dunno what they are but they sound super to me. They kinda look like short glasspacks but they aren't and I made sure. They are true duals from the manifolds to the tips. I noticed a nice increase in pickup with mine. Very satisfied. It does drone but I like it. Almost sounds like a V8 idling...
