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Ford Explorer 2016 AC sometimes blow hot air


New Member
May 30, 2021
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2016 explorer basic
The weather in our area is very hot these days and it can reach more than 45 C .
Sometimes my AC blow hot air ,when I turn it off and then on again it may change to cool air ,but sometime it need some water on the radiator to start work .
Most of the times is works perfect .
I went to precision service they checked the AC system and said the compressor and gas are perfect condition .
Sometimes I feel the air condition is cold but not that good .
Can anyone help please ?

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Thanks /but I opened the hood and the pipes were hot ?
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
If the compressor is working and the refrigerant level is good, then it could possibly be a sticking blend door/actuator as mentioned. The diagram is for pre-2016 Explorers but may still help. You shouldn't have to keep adding water to the radiator. It is part of a closed system. If the level keeps dropping, you may have another issue.


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
If the compressor is working and the refrigerant level is good, then it could possibly be a sticking blend door/actuator as mentioned. The diagram is for pre-2016 Explorers but may still help. You shouldn't have to keep adding water to the radiator. It is part of a closed system. If the level keeps dropping, you may have another issue.
View attachment 331520

Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
If the compressor is working and the refrigerant level is good, then it could possibly be a sticking blend door/actuator as mentioned. The diagram is for pre-2016 Explorers but may still help. You shouldn't have to keep adding water to the radiator. It is part of a closed system. If the level keeps dropping, you may have another issue.
View attachment 331520
I don't know but its on and off / I didn't add any water to the radiator
