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Ford Explorer (Caucasus, Russia)

It's the build sheet, basically the receipt for the order. It tells what options the truck was to have, even major assembly part numbers. It's cool yours is intact.

So do you have to change your tail lights to be legal?

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I'd love to import a euro explorer into the US. I have a sales brochure from Germany, but that's it.

So do you have to change your tail lights to be legal?
In our model it is impossible. Or with a modified wiring and adding a separate lamp and orange glass in the glass rear lamp. In Russia and Europe Stoplight - Red! Turn Signal - yellow!
Look at the pictures. This European taillights. Instead of reversing light - turn signals! And the reversing lights in the bumper!

and in general all the differences in the photo red circles

Personally, I prefer the American version . European is not even considered . Their in Russia is almost there.

Very interesting, thanks for sharing the differences. Would be neat to get a hold of one.

I've already got 2 1st gen Explorers :) I meant a euro-style one but they're rare and I'm too poor to pay for one and bring it overseas.
Oh yeah! This is a problem for many fans of the vehicles . High customs duties on old cars.

Wow, so the taillights are glass too? That's different.

I wonder what it would cost to import one? I bet it would be cost prohibitive..

Don't they have driver adjustable headlights or something too? I think the dash is different below the steering wheel. Do you have any pics of that?

Don't they have driver adjustable headlights or something too? I think the dash is different below the steering wheel. Do you have any pics of that?
I've noticed a difference in door trim

but it's not at all. Perhaps the door trim panel with 1995 model year.

Now, the price from 500 to 3000 USD! What the US customs duties for the import ? + Delivery costs to the port in Germany, + transport across the ocean + postage from the port to you .

Roll-up windows!

The seats remind me of my friends '89 Bronco II. I wonder if there are any Bronco II's in Russia.

Roll-up windows!

The seats remind me of my friends '89 Bronco II. I wonder if there are any Bronco II's in Russia.
My 91 Eddie Bauer 2 door had those seats too.

I'm sure are a few B2s over there somewhere.

Roll-up windows!

The seats remind me of my friends '89 Bronco II. I wonder if there are any Bronco II's in Russia.
Yes, in Russia there are fans of American trucks . Bronco too. But not enough.

That is a good-looking truck! I wish they would have done something like that in the USA to update the 1st Generation's styling, rather than radically alter it for the 2nd Generation. The 2nd Gen was a good truck, but I felt like the styling changes were too dramatic. At least it wasn't the 5th Generation, when the Explorer ceased to be.

Yes, I was looking for this! And I found. The European version I do not like!
Добро пожаловать! Now I count 3 Russian-speaking 1st gen Explorer owners/fans, myself included X-)

Anyway, as far as installing a computer/tablet, your best bet is probably where your console/cubby is between the armrest console and the "torpedo".

your best bet is probably where your console/cubby is between the armrest console and the "torpedo".
car computer tested for Opel Vectra. I am very happy, so it is sure to be in the truck.

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