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Ford Smartlink 2010-2016 vehicles


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March 6, 2016
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I have a 2017, with Sync3. Wonder if this will work....or if they will have something else for Sync3 folks.

I really hope this update stays on time. I'm really looking forward to it. Shame on me for not researching Sync2/MFT more. I love my car but am so frustrated with Sync2/MFT.

I have a 2017, with Sync3. Wonder if this will work....or if they will have something else for Sync3 folks.
Not according to my dealer when I spoke to them today. They seem very confused on the '17 Explorer and what SmartLink capabilities the vehicle is supposed to have.

The communication strategy employed here is painful at best, unfortunately, the dealers get caught in the middle.

It's no different than the IVT Reps here suggesting you take your vehicle to the dealership for an issue and then the dealership service writer knows less than you do about MFT and SYNC3.

I love the look on the service writers face when you articulate a scenario with MFT or SYNC3........PRICELESS!

The best response I got after explaining a bug was "I thought its supposed to do that"

We all need to do what Mark Fields did when he got frustrated with MFT, punch the screen, then claim it under warranty.

The communication strategy employed here is painful at best, unfortunately, the dealers get caught in the middle.

It's no different than the IVT Reps here suggesting you take your vehicle to the dealership for an issue and then the dealership service writer knows less than you do about MFT and SYNC3.

I love the look on the service writers face when you articulate a scenario with MFT or SYNC3........PRICELESS!

The best response I got after explaining a bug was "I thought its supposed to do that"

We all need to do what Mark Fields did when he got frustrated with MFT, punch the screen, then claim it under warranty.

Well, I have had to read an APIM notice to a service department manager when he refused to update my MFT software to fix the ambient lighting bug.

Well, I am holding out hope that something will come to us 17 owners. The addon is for 2011-2016 vehicles. I want the remote unlock and remote start features.

Well, I have had to read an APIM notice to a service department manager when he refused to update my MFT software to fix the ambient lighting bug.

Well, I am holding out hope that something will come to us, 17 owners. The addon is for 2011-2016 vehicles. I want the remote unlock and remote start features.

I'm holding out hope that AppLink will be coming to my 2011 Explorer Limited with MFT that I bought back in 2011. Oh....actually wait a minute I gave that back on a Lemon Law return. Sorry, cancel that thought nevermind.

Since it's hardware also, Car Play and/or Andriod Apps would make this sell. Could make specific module for preferred operating platform.

Since it's hardware also, Car Play and/or Andriod Apps would make this sell. Could make specific module for preferred operating platform.
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:


Still haven’t seen any new info on this...

That is correct....still not released. Following the pattern of all Ford tech stuff....release dates keep getting pushed back and back and they think maybe people will forget about it.

So it only works on Verizon?

I't looks like Verizon will be providing the the network and data subscription. But at $17 a month (and a two year commitment) plus additional data charge if you use the WI-FI feature is a non-starter. Smartlink is DOA.
