Forum Window Stickers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Forum Window Stickers?


Well-Known Member
March 15, 2005
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Farmington, Utah
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XL
I've seen in a bunch of everyone's pics some window stickers that say "serious". Did you guys just get these made yourself or did someone on here do a big order and we just buy from them?

I think it would be a good added bonus that included in your elite explorer status that you get a window sticker. Anyone who is Elite would be more than happy to advertise this site on their vehicle. I know I would.

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i would like one too.

slapthefunkyfou said:
I've seen in a bunch of everyone's pics some window stickers that say "serious". Did you guys just get these made yourself or did someone on here do a big order and we just buy from them?

I think it would be a good added bonus that included in your elite explorer status that you get a window sticker. Anyone who is Elite would be more than happy to advertise this site on their vehicle. I know I would.

actually, i got a sticker when i became elite, back when it was part of the package...... there used to be a group buy on these, they were mass produced and sold through a member but remaining stock died off and their was no more demand and hte person running it couldnt do it anymore... so it died.....

Id buy one if some were made. My new expo needs one.

I saw a black lifted Explorer Sport a few months back in a Target parking lot here in Scottsdale with a big window sticker that said "". Though I'm not a fan of putting any stickers on any visible parts of the car, I would have wanted one as a collectors item to put up in my room. :D

I have a friend who makes vehicle decals. i could talk to him and find out how much they would run...but i'd have to check first with the site mods to see if it's ok... if you guys are up to it let me know. :thumbsup:


What would the size of decals be? What by What? (?X?)

Do it!! I want one. I love this site, and I would love to help promote it. I think you should make a list of everyone who wants one, and talk to your friend and see how much they would cost. Moderators, I really think you should consider this again.

Unfortunately, since I just spent over $400 fixing the X, I'm having a hard time talking my wife into letting me have $30 to donate and become elite. But it's on the top of my lst of things to do.

Thanks, Matt

I think they should be long enough to go along the bottom edge of the rear side windows. Just like everyone else has here.

I just got mine made ( and it only cost $15 (CAN). Just make sure you ask Rick before you get them made because it's his trade mark.

I had mine made at the mall for $15 I think :rolleyes:


how long is that? what the lenght and width?

Here's mine. It's 28 inches long (I think) and 3 inches tall


cybercreeper said:
how long is that? what the lenght and width?

I'd have to check, but from the inside looking out you can not see it ;)

heres mine...i believe it was the original one that was put out
i also have a shot of the smaller one on my side window


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I still have one of the originals bought from Rick around 5 years ago.

I have two different ones from when Jason B was making them available


I really want to buy some stickers for my rig too!

Before you guys start getting vinyl decal vendors to start making decals for you, make sure you contact Rick to get his permission. I don't think its an issue but its better to ask.

Well i spoke the guy who would make them for me here local. and the price will be $13(usd) shipped. they will be 28x3 inches and will say pm me if your interested...

I will PM Rick to check if it's ok with him

PM sent!


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