Fram Boost Intake for 4.0! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fram Boost Intake for 4.0!


Well-Known Member
August 4, 2006
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Latrobe, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 XLS 4Dr Sport 4x4
Hey guys...lets rock Frams world! They currently dont have a Boost Intake for Explorers! The Boost is much like the K&N but cheaper! They do have a link to submit your vehicle and get an email when the Boost system becomes available...maybe if enough of us ask for them to make it for Explorers, they will get it produced! Just takes a second to fill out the is the link:

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I wouldn't put one of their Oil filters in my mother-in-laws car....why would I want their Air filters in my X?


I wouldn't put one of their Oil filters in my mother-in-laws car....why would I want their Air filters in my X?


Why so many Fram haters out there? Have you ever had a mishap? I don't know anyone that ever lost an engine because of Fram Filters! I have used Fram for ever and have never had an issue and I have had vehicles with well over 200,000 miles before I traded them in!

As a matter of fact, Fram makes a lot of filters for other companies (they also buy filters from other companies) You may be using them and not even know it! Example: all Mack Truck OEM filters are manufatured by Fram (Allied Signal) and branded with Mack's Logo...tough enough for a Mack, tough enough for me! LOL

id say fram is runner up to a k&n oil filter... never had an issue with them

id say fram is runner up to a k&n oil filter... never had an issue with them

Runner up? Surely you jest!:eek:

There are a LOT of filters that rank higher than Fram. Amsoil and Mobil 1 to start with. The list goes on. Just because you haven't had any issues, doesn't mean you won't. I used to think Fram was good stuff too until I put Google to work once and found lots of horror stories and also many examples of people who cut them open to show just how cheaply they're made and how they're prone to failure. With something as important as an oil filter, that's one area where I refuse to skimp. :rolleyes:

They use to be good till they shipped the factories out of the country and started to cut cost by using cheap and unreliable material. Fram is pretty much last in line cept maybe a sock in a beer can :D

After seeing them disassembled...i'll never use one!

haha well that clears up alot... i didnt kno they started making them cheaply to conserve supplies.. maybe ill just do the beer can and sock idea if i ever have to use a fram
