Front end shake | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front end shake


March 25, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 Explorer XLT, '08 EB
Hi everyone, I am experiencing a shake in the steering wheel from about 40 mph and up. It seems the worst at upwards of 70 mph. Within the past 2 months I had new sway bar bushings installed, moog lower ball joints, an alignment, and wheel balancing. The shake is still there, and when you let go of the steering wheel it will 'wobble' back and forth. I have a small tear in the drivers side cv boot, but I doubt that's what is causing it. I also hear an annoying squeak when braking, I replaced the pads last year which now only have 9k on them, so i'm thinking maybe warped rotors would cause the shake? I would appreciate any input so I can get this fixed asap. Thank you for your time!

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...i'm thinking maybe warped rotors would cause the shake? I would appreciate any input so I can get this fixed asap.

Considering you've done all the regular checks (joints, alignment, etc), the rotors would be the next place to check. I've had slightly warped rotors give me even the slightest shimmy at 0-5 mph, nevermind even 40. If you snag a few pairs for cheap and slap them on yourself you can narrow it down quickly.


I have a small tear in the drivers side cv boot, but I doubt that's what is causing it. I also hear an annoying squeak when braking, I replaced the pads last year which now only have 9k on them, so i'm thinking maybe warped rotors would cause the shake? I would appreciate any input so I can get this fixed asap. Thank you for your time!

Warped rotors would cause a shake when braking, don't think they would just while you are driving down a road under power. Narrow it down that way. A squeaking noise when braking could be due to a few things, metal on metal pads(worn out) to rotor, brake pad clips hitting the rotor, rust in the parking brake area of the rear rotor or broken parking brake hardware rolling around the inner rear rotor. The tear in the rubber boot for the CV joint can cause you to lose the grease packed inside of it and will lead to CV joint problems over time.

What condition are the inner/outer tie rods and the rack/pinion in? Any wear in those could also cause it. I've had warped rotors cause shaking without braking (see what I did there?!) so I wouldn't rule that out either.

The inner and outer tie rods are still in good shape. I pulled the tire and the brake pads have plenty of meat left on them. The tires were rotated, aligned, and balanced so I don't know where else to look besides replacing the rotors and new pads to see if that had anything to do with it. The cv joint boot is getting replaced within the next couple weeks too, as it is blowing grease out already. I appreciate the replies!
