Front Suspension Torque Spec Request | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Suspension Torque Spec Request


Well-Known Member
April 2, 2015
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2011 Limited Explorer
I plan to replace both of my front upper control arms in my 2003 next weekend. Does anyone have the service manual with the torque specs for the ball joint nut, two bolts that hold the control arm to the frame, and the two bolts that are in the control arm bushings? I believe these are the only bolts related to the control arm so please let me know if I missed anything. Thanks in advance.

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Thank you! I am using the MOOG upper assembly and I assume they have the bushing bolts torqued but I always like to check.

I assume they have the bushing bolts torqued
You have to loosen them to get the part installed. As long as the bolts are pointing straight down you can't get past the wheel well protectors....unless maybe you go in from the top. I didn't try that.:oops:

I watched a YouTube video and the guy was able to get the whole assembly installed without taking it apart. I hope to have the same luck.

without taking it apart.
I didn't say, "take it apart". I said loosen the nuts. Then you can pivot the bolts so the big end goes up through the wheel well.
