Front wheel noises | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front wheel noises


June 16, 2012
Reaction score
96 Exp. V8 2 WD...
Around the first of November got the "telltale" grinding noise of bad bearings.
replaced them and everything was ok for a month or so..then started getting the grinding noise with a new moaning replaced the bearings again thinking maybe one of them was a "lemon"....ok for a couple of days and now
it's just a moaning that the volume level goes up and down in relation to speed...seems to be the loudest at about 50 mph...also get worse when
turning left and not as loud when turning right...sounds like it is just in
the passenger side.....
any ideas for me?

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what brand of bearings did you buy? did you replace the race/cone along with the bearing? if you're just sticking in a new bearing with and old race, the new bearing will not last very long. what brand of brake pads are you using? cheap AutoZone pads can cause weird noises. you can also try rotating your tires front to back.

AH HA...I did not replace the races back in November nor last weekend....
They felt smooth so didn't think that would matter much...(I'm NOT a
seasoned mechanic) you think that's it???..thx

AH HA...I did not replace the races back in November nor last weekend....
They felt smooth so didn't think that would matter much...(I'm NOT a
seasoned mechanic) you think that's it???..thx

it's very possible. the bearing and race are a matched set. that's why they sell them in pairs. i always suggest Timken brand bearings and while we're at it, did you make sure to "pack" the new bearing with a quality high-temp bearing grease? oh, and did you replace both the inner and outer bearings?

yes replaced the inner and outter both and packed all...the races that are in there currently are the ones that came already installed in the rotors I replaced about a year ago....which the rotors were O'reilly store brand...

96expv8, when you replace the bearing races,
here's a tip: Place them in the freezer for about
an hour before installation. This makes them
install much easier.
