Fuel Pump not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel Pump not working


New Member
June 21, 2010
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1996 Sport Trac
Here's my situation: I own a 1996 Explorer and I bought another damaged 1996 explore for parts (needed better leaf springs than the monoleafs on my daily driver). The donor had had a tree fall on it crushing the roof but other than that it was fine. I used the parts I wanted off the parts vehicle and now I want the donor to be a play toy.
I did not get the keys to the donor vehicle (nor a remote) so I took a hammer and screwdriver and tore out the switch. This made the alarm go off. I unhooked the horn and continued until I got to the point I could use the switch or what was left of it.
I then found that the explorer would not start with the switch (starter wouldn't turn nor would the fuel pump come on for the few seconds it should. I then checked to make sure it would run, I turned the switch to ON, unhooked the breather, got some ether, jumped the solenoid, sprayed in ether, it started and run fine as long as I gave it a squirt every second or so. I looked on this forum for clues (Love the forum btw) and found some. Checked the fuel pump shutoff switch (RF kick panel) first (it had been hit by a big tree!) - it was OK. Finally found what I think to be the alarm "brain" (RR panel above the wheel), I disconnected the biggest connector and I could get the starter to whirl but still no workig fuel pump. I then hooked the alarm back up to see if that made any difference. The alarm didn't go off this time and I could make the starter whirl but still no fuel pump. I then took the relays out of my running explorer and changed all of them in the power distribution box on the LF under the hood...no joy. Gave the tank a few "friendly" taps with a large hammer hoping to make the pump take off...nope didn't work. So finally, I registered here to ask people that know more than me, am I missing something with the antitheft system here? Just trying on here before I try some wire and a toggle switch.

Thanks much for any input

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Dude,you kinda screwed yourself with that maneuver,you set the anti theft off,thus disabling the the ignition system and fuel pump.Well,it worked like it was supposed to.But it beats me how you are going to get around that,I hope someone here knows or you have a large lawn ornament.:D

If I have to, I'll just run a hot wire with a toggle switch to the fuel pump. It should work like that. I'd rather not have to but no big deal if that's how it ends up. The starter is working by the switch now just no fuel pump. Heck, I'm going to cut the roof and fenders off it with a torch so I don't really care how it ends up looking as long as I can go muddin and hill climbing with it. I was just wondering if I was missing something. Hopefully, someone more knowledgable than I can point me in the right direction.

It shut the ECU down,it will never start until you can somehow get the ECU back up.You have no ignition or fuel injection until you do.I don't know how you will get around it.:D

I have ignition, as I said I fired it up by spraying starting fluid in it and jumping the solenoid over...the fuel pump just isn't working.

I have ignition, as I said I fired it up by spraying starting fluid in it and jumping the solenoid over...the fuel pump just isn't working.

Ok,I stand corrected but will your fuel injection work.I wish I knew,hell jump the fuel pump and see.Now I'm all curious.You might make out on this deal yet.:D

Get yourself a paperclip and jump it right at the relay. You should be able to hear if the pump spins from just doing that. If it spins, see if she fires up.

If it works, hide your fuel pump switch so you have some sort of security since you have no key.

I'll go try in a few minutes, it's raining right now. Not sure which ones to jump but I'll figure it out. I'm not a dummy when it comes to motors (I build my own race motors) but I'm old school don't know much about fuel injection or computer controlled stuff.

Thanks and I'll let you know.

Look on the relay. There should be a diagram that shows you which pins go where. On the bottom of the relay, the pins are numbered, you just have to orientate the relay to figure out which sockets go to the pins. There should be one lead with 12volts on it, that's one side, and then you should be able to figure out the rest from the simple diagram.

If a wiring schematic for the 96 will help, send me your e-mail addy and I will zip one to you

get a meter and try measuring for voltage (and grounds)...... it will quickly explain why things aren't working and the fastest way to get it working.

It's "Iffy"

This whole deal boils down to a bunch of "ifs". If the '96 anti-theft scheme does nothing more than disable PCM's ability to turn on the fuel pump (i.e., ignition, engine cranking are not affected), turning on the pump manually might solve the running problem, IF the '96 still used the constant run-speed pump (I think it did) fuel system having a return line to the tank. Somewhere along those years there, Ford went to the variable-speed pump scheme, with NO return line; that type of system obviously MUST be run by the PCM, as pump speed is varied continuously to maintain proper fuel rail pressure.

If a guy REALLY wants to go berserk, he can try using a computer having the appropriate run-characteristics he is looking for, as long as it is calibrated for the same engine size and type, but lacking the newer sophisticated anti-theft schemes. It would surely be OK for putzin' around in the hills. This route requires ability to confirm all PCM connections, and make changes where necessary, as connection configurations vary from year to year and model to model. Ford wiring diagrams are a MUST. imp

Just a few small updates. I tried using a paperclip to jump the fuel pump at the relay. It didn't work. I then started looking at fuses and found a large 20 amp fuse for the fuel pump was burned out. I replaced it with a paperclip as well, then jumped at the relay again, still no fuel pump. I'm starting to think the fuel pump went bad while it was sitting there. Or do you know if there is another interrupt for the fuel pump somewhere?

I also found the keyless entry number in the LR of the vehicle. I punched it in the door and the alarm quit sounding (so that's good right?). Oh! and another thing, I don't think it matters but I saw on the door sticker that its a '95 not a '96.

I plan to take the tank off and check the fuel pump out but it's been raining for the last few days and I haven't had the chance yet. I'll update as soon as get that accomplished or if something else occurs.

Jump the relay and see if you have voltage to the connector at the pump before you pull the tank,you can also cut a hole in the rear cargo area floor to access the pump.:D

yea i think the fuel pump went bad, cause i bought a 95 xlt with bad motor and put my motor from my 95 in it and had same problem fuel pump didn't work, had bad gas in tank, so took tank and fuel pump from other and she started right up.

A tree whacking it caused a pretty good jolt. Did you reset the inertia switch??

It lives!

Cut a hole in the floor, took the fuel pump out, it was bad. Had a fuel pump from a isuzu rodeo - cut the bottom part off of the unit, took the plastic crap off from the one for the explorer, rigged up the bottom part from the isuzu one to the explorer one with a few drilled holes and bolts (made it the same length), stuck it in. VRRrooom! Started right up. Hadn't been started in about 5 years and it started before it made one full turn!


Doesn't look like it will go into 4 wheel drive. Any suggestions?
