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Gas Tank Replacement


Well-Known Member
June 7, 2006
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City, State
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Sport, 91 Samurai
I'm looking for a bit of info, ie what years tank will fit on a 92?? :D :D

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I did a junk yard search using for a 1992 fuel tank and it came back with tanks between 1991 and 1994 as being interchangable, which does make sense since those are all 1st gens.

The prices It came back with (from a yard) were between $100 and $150 (there were cheaper, and there were more expensive in the search of the southwest I did).


thank you sir ;) a friend of mine is buying a 92 and well guess she dun got a decent tank so this is greatly appreciated :D ;)

If it looks like the tank is leaking from the top, it may be the fuel pump lines, not the tank. Sometimes the metal inlet lines on the fuel pump will rust. You will need to drop the tank and replace the fuel pump assembly if that's your problem.

If it looks like the tank is leaking from the top, it may be the fuel pump lines, not the tank. Sometimes the metal inlet lines on the fuel pump will rust. You will need to drop the tank and replace the fuel pump assembly if that's your problem.

The above information is absolutely true... My '93 xlt has a factory plastic tank & braided stainless steel fuel lines. Unfortunately these stainless steel lines connect on top of the tank to cheap zinc plated steel hardlines from the fuel pump sending unit. Needless to say zinc plated steel will being rusting (depending on climate) in a few years :( whereas the stainless lines look factory new after 14 yrs.. :)
