generic JET chip? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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generic JET chip?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2002
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does anyone know anything about this new chip called the G-Box from Next Level Performance?
Its supposed to be as good or better than a JET at 1/4 of the price. Is this a rip off or something worth the 40 bucks?Dead Link Removed

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I don't buy it, it only has 2 wires that it taps into. A true computer mod would have at least 10-15 wires.

I'm not fond of jet as a lot of Mustang guys and most truck guys have lossed power, not run correctly and run into problems. So I definitley wouldn't trust a generic company.

Superchips and Diablo are the best in the biz, and a guy on here (I think bjheron?) makes Apten chips that I think are based of the Diablo board.
Those 3 are worth thre extra money, like Alec said, that little of wiring doesn't cut it and it's not tuned to every vehicle. Just like how jet basically sells the same chip for all explorers, while Superchips are Diablo have chips for every vehicle based on your code, I won't have the same code as maybe somebody else so their chip wouldn't work on mine.

Thats why when you see people like selling their chips, like on here, they list the engine codes for which it will work in.

just got the jet

I just got the jet chip today.
it's the one that plugs into the ecm.
after 150 mile test run, i have to say i wish i got it years ago.
Lot more power,better shifting, better gas mileage.
and with 170k on my X it feels like it only has 70K :)
(ithis one was not the 2 wire one) pm me if you would like the chip code s

I don't wanna say it but....

You shouldn't have gone with the JET chip, I've only seen problems with them. Hypertech, Superchip, or Diablo are the way to go.

But anyway, good luck to you!

seams to be working great

Originally posted by Alec
I don't wanna say it but....

You shouldn't have gone with the JET chip,

But anyway, good luck to you!

Thanks for the luck. first day out seams to be working great. I know it's only day 1.
I'll try to post updates

I love my Jet on my Mustang and got it because my friend put one on his Dodga pick-up and it worked great. So I am a fan of Jet. If you really want performance though you have to go with the Venom modules. They are great chips. Not emissions legal, but oh well, you just have to take it out when you get the car inspected. They are a little bit more but offer a lot more hp and tq.
