gerotor limited slip | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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gerotor limited slip

C5 Pewter Coupe

Well-Known Member
July 31, 2001
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City, State
Cascadia, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Sport 4x4
I'm looking at what Jeep is using for their limited slip on the Grand Cherokee, and was wondering if anyone in the aftermarket is offering, or going to offer a limited slip that could be used in the Dana 35 that we have on our rigs.. it would be nice if we could also install it in the rear 8.8" we use...

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if you have an 01 xlt you i dont think you have a dana 35.... and jeeps dana 35 is a solid axle and not like ours.....

I've been looking, and from what I can tell, the 01 uses a moddified Dana 35 front axle.. the Dana 35d I believe.. It's the same one used since ford went away from the twin traction beam front suspension...(97 I think, not sure)

gerald has a torsion bar newer X and he said it isnt a 35....he tried to get a locker and when they opened it up it didnt fit.....

im pretty sure it is a modified d35 regular cut (cuz thats teh gears u buy for it) but i haven't heard of anyone being able to put a ls or locker in this axle
