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Goin Big Spl

well it will be my money and im gonna go and get a digram on it tonight an mabey ill know how much wook and weight of all the wood/subs/amps/extrabattery.
the amps weigh about 20 a peice. the subs weigh much more.

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falls guy said:
For sure it will sag a bit, but 500lbs is like 3 ave. size adults. + the batteries and amps, he'll only need to add a leaf probably.

But the weight is not distributed, it's all in one spot. Go pop your hatch, sit on your bumper and see how much it sags. If you weigh at least 200, just think how much 3x will be.

BeauJ, you'r definitely right there. 230 to be exact. But, back on the bumper would make a big difference because of leverage, but i doubt he'll be mounting it ALL on the bumper. To fit 12 subs in there, the weight is obviously going to be distributed unless he stacks them on top of each other. It will definitely sag a bit, but an add a leaf should do.

my 2 15's and a box (estamated weight 200lbs) dropped my rear end atleast 1.5", and that was with the weight over the axles.

my new setup (2 15's in a ported box) is going to weigh over 250lbs.

IMO you might be better off doing the system first then going for the lift, because after the lift it will be hella hard to get in the truck, let alone lift everything that high in to the truck.

just get ready to lose most of that 5" drop because of the subs.

some customer that came by at work said that just putting in 5 cases of water (32 16oz bottles per case) dropped her rear end enough to put the tire in her wheel well.

that will be some serrious sag.

here you go this might be a good cardomain to look at. i thought it was crazy

from my standpoint...12 12s would be a cool setup but you wont get any records with it. Too many people out there dropping huge money into their stereos now to fully expect a record or some sort of recognition in the sport without many years of background knowledge.

How would you feel spending all that time and money on 12 12s and being beaten by 1 15 setup?

Wagonized said:
from my standpoint...12 12s would be a cool setup but you wont get any records with it. Too many people out there dropping huge money into their stereos now to fully expect a record or some sort of recognition in the sport without many years of background knowledge.

How would you feel spending all that time and money on 12 12s and being beaten by 1 15 setup?

lol i saw that somewhere, one 15 beat every one out at a DB drag

im not expecting to start right out with a record or recognition. i know someone in the same town that tried this but it wasnt set up righnt and he floped. ive been putting a lot of searching into makins big spl. found some thing that i never would of thought about.

Saleen_SR71 said:
lol i saw that somewhere, one 15 beat every one out at a DB drag

Yep, I've seen it too. A guy had a Geo Metro with an Atomic 15" and ****load of amps/batteries. Beat EVERYONE in his class and a lot in higher classes couldn't even touch him. It's not always about how many/much. Every setup will always be different.

Burns said:
ive been putting a lot of searching into makins big spl. found some thing that i never would of thought about.
And what have you come up with in your searching? What is your plan? What are the specs? What size amps? How many? How much juice do they need? How are you creating this juice? Got a basic box design? Got enough airspace in the truck?

So far, all you have said is that you want 12 12s in the back. What are your plans to make that happen?

i hav 17 12' subz in mi truizk. They be hooktd to the hed unit fo da speakas. those janks be louda than mi boyz cuz's car ya kno.

I don't kno, but I definitely erd, son.

12 12s are not the correct way to go for spl

i'm getting up a little more in age and i'm certainly not ready to stop installing stereo equipment in my truck. let the kid be if he wants to do this.

The man has spoken! all ye be warned! :p

12 12s would be quite bad ass to look at, but as everyone is saying, it wont necessarily give you the SPL you are looking for. i dont think theres enough room in a 91' X to fit a box that would give that number of drivers enough air to reach their full potential. If I were you, I'd go with a fewer number of larger drivers. You could get crazy SPL with 6 15's if you build the box right. I'm just curious...what range are you looking to get out of this setup?..decibel-wise?

who are you?

also, those who are saying with the weight it will lower it alot- my system weighs around 1500 lbs and most of the weight is in front of the axle, and that was enough to just barely tuck 20 with only one leaf removed and 4" blocks (i got like 3-4" from just the weight) and i have the stiffest leaf springs so far as i know.

if you're going SPL you'll need a ported enclosure. Fitting 12 12s and a decently sized port for that box into the explorer is going to take some serious imagination and woodwork skills
