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got a hood scoop

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That is SWEEEET. What model is that ? I would like that one on my Toy.

That looks amazing. Info on it?

looks nice i am thinking of putting a hood scoop on mine as well

looks cool to me

thanks, looking forward to getting it painted, have to wait till the weather gets a bit warmer.
my son got it at jegs for 67.00 it's made by wade part# 14001

I'll definitely be looking into that
:thumbsup: Post pics once its painted/mounted. A how-to would be nice as well. ;)

im not a big hood scoop fan, but thatll look sweet painted and molded

I'll definitely be looking into that
:thumbsup: Post pics once its painted/mounted. A how-to would be nice as well. ;)

you guys are getting me thinking of molding it, I really dont care for the extra work, but I just might do it for the explorer fans on here...

you guys want to check out my latest restoration check it out, it's my sons car.. no music to it, but it's cool to watch..

Man that SOB sounds mean:thumbsup::thumbsup:

ya gotta love it when you can say "the hood scope SHE wanted"!
lol.. no really, she did pick it out.. I acually hoped she would change her mind so I wouldn't have to put it on and paint, I know how picky I can be, and probaly would want to mold it to have it look right.. trust me I am looking forward to seeing it on, but not doing the work...

Finally had a chance to put the scoop on, I didn't want to just throw it on, the appearence molded to the hood looks much better.. it's not ready for paint, I need to go over it again and check for imperfections, i wanted to post these pictures so some of you can see what this scoop looks like when it's done this way.. I probaly wont get around to finish it for a few more weeks, I got a few projects going on and Im sneeked this one in.. but when it's painted I'll post up the pics..

thats guna look awsome! how hard is that to do?

Finally had a chance to put the scoop on, I didn't want to just throw it on, the appearence molded to the hood looks much better.. it's not ready for paint, I need to go over it again and check for imperfections, i wanted to post these pictures so some of you can see what this scoop looks like when it's done this way.. I probaly wont get around to finish it for a few more weeks, I got a few projects going on and Im sneeked this one in.. but when it's painted I'll post up the pics..

ya sooo much better then just stuck on good call.

see what i mean.

looks way better then the stuck on one. The extra work surely paid off. very nice

thanks guys...
it is a real pain doing it, I hate doing bodywork.. I wouldn't suggest trying this if your new to doing this type of work.. you have contours to make even all the way around, and it can get boring, real quick... the wife cant wait till it's done.. me too in


I cant wait to see the grand finale

im sure its going to look awesome when its all finished goodjob

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So, when you going to do mine?? >>>>JUST KIDDING HAHA<<<< So is it functional or is it just sitting ontop fo the hood?
