Got my wheel spacers today. | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Got my wheel spacers today.

The wheel spacers I need for my front end came in today. After running my 35x15.50 Swampers for the first time at the Arizona run I noticed the tierod was rubbing on the inside of the tire. It chewed through the sidewall pretty good, but there seems to be enough meat left to continue using the tire.

To alleviate the problem I purchased a set of 1" billet aluminum spacers from Performance Wheel & Tire. They run $50ea. If you're interested their address is:


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Will, can you email the pics to me? I can't see them on the post, they wont load.
I didnt think of 1.5"s, i didnt realize there was 3 pages to this thread!

my email is


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You dont have to send me the pics, I reloaded the page a few times and they finally showed up. The Spacers look good. 1.5 is deffinetally good for the front, would you think about going any larger in the back (like 1.75) or is the back good too? (i just noticed that the wheels are farther tucked under the rear of the truck than the front)

Do you think i'll need them w/ 32's? will it help from trimming as much?

I could probably go to 1.34" in the rear,the front is maxed out with the 1.5" spacers,a 1/4" is not that much though ?

I seem to rub slightly more with the spacers on with full compression up front,I'm going to do a 2" body lift in a few weeks and that should take care of the rubbing.

I also need an alignment,I just started to get a shimmy at about 55 and up. I may have thrown a weight,it's been over a year since the last alignment.

hope I was of some help !

good luck....

Hey rick. you seem pretty experienced at truck things, so i have a question for you.....I have a 93 x, and am getting a 2" SKyjacker lift. Will i be able to fit some Bridgestone Dueler m/t's size 32x10.5x15's? And, how can i sell my old tires, they are almost new, and only have 3000 miles

Why is it that extenders are supposed to take out bearing any more than regular wheels, or offset rims? I have a 98 xlt and have beencurios about extenders.


Hey rick. you seem pretty experienced at truck things, so i have a question for you.....I have a 93 x, and am getting a 2" SKyjacker lift. Will i be able to fit some Bridgestone Dueler m/t's size 32x10.5x15's? And, how can i sell my old tires, they are almost new, and only have 3000 miles

I can almost hear Rick groaning:D

You won`t be able to fit 32s because they will hit your front wheel wells. I have 2" susp and 2" body on my 93 and I still can`t, you have to trim that fender-sorry 31s for you!

Try a search on it in tires and wheels, that is the question of the ages around here.

So, it is too much of a hassle to trim with 32's? And on your's do 31's look good and beefy? Just want to know......

It`s not too much of a hassle, I suppose. It`s just that when you trim there`s no going back I guess. I would like to eventually, but my 31s will last me a while yet.

My personal opinion when looking at my truck is no, the 31s aren`t "beefy" enough. sometimes they look too small, when looking straight at the side of the truck, especially at the rear wheels wells. Ideally, I think 33s would fit perfect. That`s just my opinion. It still looks ten times better now than the stock 29s would.

well, i think that i am going to go ahead and put on the 32's. IF trimming looks real fugly, are there any replacement fenders or anything that will let me fit big tires, and look nice at the same time? Can you send me pics of your truck so i can see how the tires look, Thanks!

Rick just curious for an update? Have you been pleased with them? I was thinking of spacing/adapting my 8.8 to fit the bolt pattern and width of my new d-44 when I put it on. Just curious how much you have enjoyed these?

Theye've worked out fine. No problems.

Thanks I just requested a quote from them.:D

How are the wheel spacers

Hey Rick,

I was just wondering how those wheel spacers are working out for you. I am very interested in getting some not for clearance issues, but for a little bit wider stance and some more stability. How much if at all did you have to trim the stock lugs.



I'm running the 1.5" spacers all around,and only get a slight rub on full compression steering,
I'm going to do a body lift within the next few months,and that will be then of the rub.

The wheel spacers are working out great. I had to trim just the little bit that sticks out at the end with no thread on it.

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Thanks for the feedback guys I really appreciate it!
