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Hard shift into reverse


New Member
October 28, 2010
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City, State
Immokalee, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Ford Explorer 2WD
New to this site....My wife has a 2006 Ford Explorer 2WD base model. When we shift into reverse there is a few second delay followed by a hard shift into reverse. The vehicle makes a loud noise when shifting into reverse and the vehicle feels like it rocks. The vehicle shifts fine in normal driving conditions (automatic). We have found that if we depress the brake pedal hard almost to he floor, the shifting into reverse is fine with no sound and no problem. Any idea what this is?

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Welcome to this forum! How many miles does it have? The solenoid block & servo bores tend to act up around 60K miles. Did you check the fluid level? It might be low on fluid. Did you ever replace the fluid & filter?

Hey Bud when I first Bought My 1997 Sport it Had the same problem so Before the probmlem Got worse i Changed the Tranny Fluid and filter and added a product Called (sea foam ) TRANS TUNE ) I;m Proud to Say it Completly Fixed The Problem You can't even tell it shifted now

my mounty does that sometimes.

Thanks for both replies! Sorry I forgot to mention the miles. I think she has just over 85k on it.

It is a weird problem. If the brake is pressed as normal, it acts up. We have to push it almost to the floor to engage it into reverse without the noise and feel.

i got 130k miles and a new trans at 126k. some times of i shift into reverse when im very slowly rolling foward, it wont slam into reverse.

Yea Mine Has 77xxx on it, I swear Its The Same Thing I Used To do the brake thingto but its called a hard shift and that trans tune will solve it

Trans Tune...I will try that and see...thank you.

Oh, one more thing. Not to sound dumb, but where might I add the Sea Foam/Trans Tune considering that only a shop (or someone along those lines) can check the fluid?

Sea Foam-Trans Tune its like $9 replace the filter and fliud though,No Problem Brother I rather hear its fixed for $40 than have a headache of having to replace your tranny
add it when your putting in the tranny fluid at the dipstick hole
i dont know how mechinically inclined you are but buy a haynes repair manual .its really simple you go under neath you vehicle loosen up one side more than the other let it drain then take the pan off clean it out along with the magnet in there it will filthy wipe it all down layout the new gasket on the pan preset the bolts through the pan into the gasket wipe around the pan case than start one corner of the pan then go to the otherside of the pan tighten the pan bolts equally job done

I'd like to but the 2006 model doesn't have an under the hood dipstick....

you have to crawl under your vehicle theres a rubber plug around your tranny thats your dip stick

Ahhh and simply inject it up into the transmission then I take it?

it will be on the upper side of your tranny so you shouldnt have a problem
look under there pop it out youll see its just a regular dipstick except it underneath

it show a diagram if you search this post on this site :2006 6R transmission fluid inspection procedure

I will...thanks again I really appreciate it!

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