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Hard Water Spots


I'm a dummy and I did it to myself.

Project truck has been sitting for quite some time and only getting washed but never really dried off.

Now I've got Bad A$$ water spots all over the hood that are getting on my nerves.

Tried Dupont #7 polishing compound by hand. Nothing

McGuire's polishing compound by hand. Nothing.

I guess it's time for an orbital buffer and something like Fast Cut.

Or does someone else have a better product that will work with a buffer?

P.S. Factory Black Paint...

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You might be wrong. Most municipalities don’t consider air rifles firearms.

I also suppose shooting critters is still illegal. I’d mercilessly drown them. There is never a shortage of squirrel or chipmunks.

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An airsoft gun with lightweight ammo isn't necessarily deadly, and if you needed to you could paint it bright orange so neighbors realize it's a toy. If they freak out, shoot yourself with it to demo the harmlessness. The point is just a deterrent, the squirrels are going to learn to stay away from that tree.

The crossman 760 will surely kill a squirrel and I wouldn’t want to shoot myself with one to prove any point.


I got some Zinc bar anodes for a tank we refurbished at work several years back.

Every 2 years or so I slice off about 3\4" thick slabs and bury them around the drip line.

Pecan trees really like that stuff!


I got some Zinc bar anodes for a tank we refurbished at work several years back.

Every 2 years or so I slice off about 3\4" thick slabs and bury them around the drip line.

Pecan trees really like that stuff!

Take about a tablespoon of zinc shavings, drop them into a strong glass bottle, like a wine bottle or champagne bottle, into which you have previously poured about 1/2 cup of muriatic acid (pool acid or brick etching acid). Don't use full-strength acid, works too fast. Quickly stretch the neck of a toy balloon, round one, not too tiny, onto the bottle neck. It must be tight, so the gas pressure blows up the balloon. Stop before balloon is too tightly stretched, tie the neck off, handle balloon carefully.

Tie it to some stationary thing, so it can't rise up to the ceiling. Use a stick perhaps 3 feet long, attach a wooden match to the end, I drill a tiny hole, press the match in. Light the match and slowly bring it close to the balloon.

The balloon will explode with a WHUMP, throwing pieces of itself around. Pick one up and look closely: YOU HAVE MADE WATER!

The balloon fills with hydrogen gas, which burns explosively with air, to form water. I did this in my Algebra II class to liven things up: few minutes later, the Principal (my boss), walks in, says they figured it had to be me: claimed they felt the building reverberate!

(Send me some of your zinc!). imp

Well let's say I know where there is a full 5 volume copy of a "United States Army" Issued "Improvised Munitions Black Book"...

There is some really fun stuff in there...

Well let's say I know where there is a full 5 volume copy of a "United States Army" Issued "Improvised Munitions Black Book"...

There is some really fun stuff in there...
Yep, them books used to be universally-available at every gun show I went to. Haven't gone lately, though. imp
