Hazards, turn signals not working on 99 Sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hazards, turn signals not working on 99 Sport


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2001
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AB, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer Sport
There's not even a click when you turn the signal arm. 4 way flashers don't work...

Hazards fuse is good, is there a relay I can check?

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Try playing with the hazard switch and see if they return. Could be multifunction switch.

I tried grabbing one from a local yard that looked to be in good shape - same thing.

If I slightly push down on the hazard button I can hear a loud click in the column.

My turn signals don't give any sort of click sound at all. (same as the original MF switch)

I tried grabbing one from a local yard that looked to be in good shape - same thing.

You got a turn signal flasher from a junk yard? It's possible you picked up a broken one. They cost $15 I'd just get a new one and try it.

Both are good - it's something with my hazards.

I reseated all the connections and the turn signals work with both mf switches but hazards do not. You get a very audible click sound from somewhere in the column when you press the button.

Maybe I was trying the the signals with the hazard button on, and that's why the signals weren't working... the previous owner must have had the hazard button left on. (I just bought this thing in the last 24 hours)
