Head bolts question - 10.9 TTY? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Head bolts question - 10.9 TTY?


Explorer Addict
April 6, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer 2dr 4x4
Quick and possibly stupid question. Can a 10.9 bolt still be torque to yield?

I found these holding down my cylinder heads... I don't guess they are stock? Anyone know? Wondering if they're re-usable or TTY, can't find the marking online.


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My Victor Reinz were 10.9 and TTY.

Good question. Morana told me most are TTY but not his.

Good question. Morana told me most are TTY but not his.

He sells a set thats "not tty"

Fyi tty bolt ive been told is a OE gimmick. .any bolt thats threaded can stretch, the more its threaded the more prone it is to stretching. .you can get bolts that are barley threaded and made outa stronger metal,hince what Tom sells..

My opinion if you need stronger bolts,go to studs..i ran 10 lbs of boost on a 11.6:1 motor on "TTY" bolts..so honestly if you dont plan on more than that,TTY fel pro bolts and fel pro super duty blue head gaskets is more than enough

I think I'd rather run 12.9 head bolts at $120 than $400 studs, TTY or not.

I think I'd rather run 12.9 head bolts at $120 than $400 studs, TTY or not.

You dont have to buy them from Tom but yea that was my point..""TTY"" is fine for anything most people throw at them

Lol, ask the guys who owned GM's in the 80s with the Olds 350 diesel if TTY is a gimmick.

Its not that they dont stretch, we know they do..point is all bolts of that grade or similar do and the more they are threaded the more susceptible to stretching. .the motor company just coined the word "tty" to try and force you to use their bolts only,which are marked up to a Premium
