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header question


Well-Known Member
September 27, 2002
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City, State
costa mesa, ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer xlt
ive got a 92 explorer 4.0l v6 with a dynomax muffler and a hypertech chip, i want to get heddman headers but i dont know if i still will be able to pass smog? can anybody help me???????

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IMO if you don't have a leak from your stock exhaust manifolds, don't bother with headers. They may reduce your low-end torque, and will heat up your engine compartment if they're not ceramic coated. Not to mention the chunk out of your wallet.

As for the emissions, you'd have to ask Hedman if they're CARB certified, or certified in any other states. Most likely though unless you're in California it wouldn't matter....Oh, but you are ;)

I recommend upgrading your MAS and TB instead of headers. And get an intake kit if you don't have one.

yeah, headers for the explorers do make a bit of a difference, but for the cost and the hassle of install, as well as possible side-hassles (constantly having to retighten the bolts, etc.) it may not be worth it

I highly recomend the KKM intake for your truck. For roughly $100, you just cant beat it. You can feel and hear the power difference. http://www.kustomz.com

The headers are the last step and often not worth it.
If you have not ditched your stock airbox yet, do that first. An aftermarket MAS and TB would be next. The headers are nice but the cost is alot and 5 hours minimum installation time can cost a bunch.........

JBA headers are CARB certified in CA, but they also cost $500+. I have them and I love them. However the only reason I got them is because they were $150 used and I already had the engine out of the truck, otherwise the factory manifolds flow pretty well............
