Heat doesn't seem hot enough | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Heat doesn't seem hot enough


Well-Known Member
August 24, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Tulsa, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Eddie Bauer AWD 5.0
I have a 2001 EBX, with the digital climate control..

Last night was the first time I really needed the heat on.. it was like 45 out, and I was cold. So, I turn the heat on and set the temp to 78.. not hot.. bumped it up to 80, still not hot.. bumped it up to 85, and finally it felt comfortable to me, but then started to feel like the air was getting cooler and didn't stay as hot.

do I have a problem with my heat?

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What's the water temperature guage doing? Is it up in the middle where it should be or is it hanging down on the low end? If that's the case then your thermostat is stuck open and needs to be replaced.

I didn't think to look at it, but I remember it to be normal (in the middle).. if it were off (down low) I would have noticed it.

I have noticed the same thing. I am assuming that because the climate control is just trying to attain a 78* cabin temp (or whatever you set it at) that its not pumping full hot air into the cabin.

Also, read through your owners manual, it explains it IN DEPTH what each setting does and how it works. As a matter of fact, when you have it set to AUTO, it pumps cooler air through the dash vents than it does the Floor vents.



Mine did the same thing a while back. It was the t-stat.

First thing I thought was the t-stat. A few buck and 5 mins later and you'll be able to tell.

I would also check your coolant level. The heater core is the highest point in the system and tends to drain out if the level is low.
