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Heated and Cooled Front Seats

Brandon Felt

New Member
February 4, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Layton, Utah
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Ford Explorer Sport
Hello everyone, I'm a new member of the group. I'm hoping someone can help with an issue I'm having with my heated and cooled front seats. The heating and cooling feature on both the drivers seat and passenger front seats stopped working a few days ago. The buttons on the dash light up and stay on just fine for both seats, but they won't actually heat or cool. It's so strange that both of them would stop working at the same time, which makes me think the problem is not the individual heating elements in each seat cushion. I've checked the #72 fuse in the engine bay fuse box, and even replaced it just to be safe, but that was not the problem. I called the dealer and discussed the possibility of a bad control module, but they weren't sure if there is one module or individual control modules for each seat, or even where they might be located. I'm at a loss on where to go from here. Has anyone had this problem before and knows if there is more than one control module and where they are located? Would love some advice. Thanks!

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I should have noted that that it is a 2016 Ford Explorer Sport. Thanks again!

Hello everyone, I'm a new member of the group. I'm hoping someone can help with an issue I'm having with my heated and cooled front seats. The heating and cooling feature on both the drivers seat and passenger front seats stopped working a few days ago. The buttons on the dash light up and stay on just fine for both seats, but they won't actually heat or cool. It's so strange that both of them would stop working at the same time, which makes me think the problem is not the individual heating elements in each seat cushion. I've checked the #72 fuse in the engine bay fuse box, and even replaced it just to be safe, but that was not the problem. I called the dealer and discussed the possibility of a bad control module, but they weren't sure if there is one module or individual control modules for each seat, or even where they might be located. I'm at a loss on where to go from here. Has anyone had this problem before and knows if there is more than one control module and where they are located? Would love some advice. Thanks!
Hi Brandon, I wanted to see if you ever resolved this and what the solution was. Having the same issue.

it is not a heating element
It is a peltier device that heats and cools depending on the polarity of the power supply

I know because I put 2014 navigator seats in my 97 F350 and wired them up to work using some simple 7 pole switches and relays

You should buy the wiring book for your vehicle, it will detail how the seats are wired and where the fuses, relays, and possible control modules are

I would be checking for power at the seat wiring harness to find out that the issue is on the truck side of things


Brandon, It is most likely the seat module. I have had this module go bad on 2 different vehicles. Both vehicles had ONE module for both seats. My 2016 F-150 had the module under the front passengers seat. My 2016 Lincoln MKX had the module under the drivers seat. If you look at the module wire harness, look to see if there are "burnt" wires going into the harness. If there is, then this is your problem. You might not need the module itself, you might just need a new pigtail. Find the module & inspect this. Let us know what you find.

I have a 2016 Ford Explorer Sport with the climate controlled seats. The passenger seat does not heat, I have looked at the climate control assy and the thermocouple seems to work fine. it changes impedance when I blow on it. The heater however I cannot get to work. I tried to hook power directly to the elements and could not feel them heat up. The impedance is not an open, however it is higher than I would expect for a heating element (1.2K Ohms) I am thinking the module is bad. THe module number on the case says DU5a-96600D56-CB. I cannot find this part number anywhere online to order except used ones on Ebay. Where can I order one of these? I can find the drivers Climate control assy everywhere but not the passenger (Right) one

Thanks for the reply, however that is not the module i am looking for. this is the Climate control seat module i am looking for

Thanks for the reply, however that is not the module i am looking for. this is the Climate control seat module i am looking for
View attachment 425138
I don't know how many modules there are for that seat but the one I linked shows it fits all 2016 Explorers Left Rear, Left Front, Right Rear, Right Front. That seems to be quite specific. You could always check it out by going through the steps in order to check it by VIN to see if is for your vehicle.


Hi all, does anyone know what which part needed to be replaced? I’ve checked all wiring, connectors, looked at the controller board for burn marks, and fuses. All are fine. Neither seat heats or cools as Brandon described. I’ve had the seat out and wonder if it’s the blower on the driver slide that somehow can fault both front seats, or if it is the controller under the driver side seat.

Please let me know if you were able to pinpoint where the issue was.

Thanks much,


Hi Guys, I just noticed my reply did not post...

The seat blowers are not working on either side. I could not track down a burnt wire or connector from under the fuse box or where they connect under the driver or passenger seats. I pulled the whole seat out, but everything looks good. The fuses are fine, I tried replacing them for the heck of it. I still have not figured this one out.

I'm sure someone that works with ford directly on these issues has narrowed it down to something that connects both seats to the blowers and heating modules. However, I do not have those types of contacts.

I ran a scan on the vehicle, no codes show up there either.

Have you checked to see if the blower is getting power? Have you tried powering the motor directly? I doubt that they both went bad at the same time and it may be that there is no power going to them.


I have not tried that. I'm not sure how to achieve that. I do agree that it doesn't make sense. I wonder if the DSM is the issue. I didn't see any issue, such as burn marks on the board, but I guess it could be that. I'm hesitant to go there as I read someone else's explorer having the same symptom tried it and it wasn't it. They were going to Ford for answers but never posted the fix.

You would need to know which wire in the connector is the one that supplies the power and meter.


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