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Heater hoses


May 26, 2008
City, State
Jeddah, KSA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Eddie Bauer
I'm now working on the cooling system of my EB 92. The previous owner of my truck bypassed the heater and connected the two ends together. I'm wondering if I could just connect the heater hose straight to the water pump. This would by-pass the oil filter, and I will just plug it with rubber plugs. I suppose the heater hoses that gos in and out of the oil filter is for heating oil during winter. I'm located here in KSA where it's just desert everywhere. Is there a problem if I do this?

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Umm.. something doesn't sound right...

There is a heater hose from the water pumpt to the heater core and then from the heater core to the lower intake manifold. Sometimes (1994 vehicles) have a heater bypass control valve between the engine and the heater core. That way when the a/c is on max a/c there is no hot water in the heater core (near the a/c evaporator). The oil filter isn't anywhere near the heater hose.


I did not find a by pass valve, this truck is a 92 EB , could it be different with a 94? Is the coolant going into or out of the water pump? What I saw was that the heater hoses goes down on the right side of the engine block(looking in front of the car - seated on the passenger side) connects with the oil filter mounting and out then comes back again in front of the engine - connects with the water pump?

If the heater hoses are connected to an "oil filter", then maybe the previous owner installed a coolant filter. If that's the case, I would leave it like it is and just change the filter. Since you live in the desert, he might have put it there to filter out sand. But, to answer your question, yes you can run the heater hose from the top of the block down to the water pump - bypassing the heater core. Be aware, if you are replacing the hose with new, the connection at the water pump is a real pain to remove/replace.

Aha! I have a stuck thermostat, it wont open when I boil it in water. I'm off to the parts store to get new ones. Another, issue I'm dealing with are the injectors, it makes a least 2 cyls misfire even though I can feel it clicking when engine is running, I only replaced one with a new one and each cost about 70 bucks. I soaked the rest of them in fuel injector cleaner after removing the basket filters. I dont have replacement for the filters so I might just re-use these injectors without them, Is there are problem if I install these?

If your going to hook up your heater again, and your headed to the parts store.. pick up a heater control bypass valve from a 1994 explorer and install it. That will make your a/c work better when your on max a/c...

That is assuming you have a/c and want to have heat too..

as for the injectors.. I've never used them w/out the end on them..


- Here's a picture of the connection on the oil filter. I'm sure it's the oil filter. the heater hoses come in and out of the oil filter bracker. Is this to heat the oil in winter?

I did not find a by-pass valve. It must be on later 1st gen models. Is it a solenoid operated valve? Is the connection on the oil filter with the heater hoses unusual?? Is there a problem if I plug these ports?

I don't see it going "into" anything, BUT I know that on our '92 there is a heater hose bracket down there that just holds the heater hose.. After the bracket the hose comes up to the heater..

I don't think I've ever personally seen coolant lines go to the oil filter.. Only to intake manifolds and TB assemblies.


I did not find a by-pass valve. It must be on later 1st gen models. Is it a solenoid operated valve? Is the connection on the oil filter with the heater hoses unusual?? Is there a problem if I plug these ports?

You posted this while I was posting my other message... in answer to the heater bypass valve..

The heater control bypass valve started to show up in late 1993 and 1994. Its vacuum controlled.. To retrofit it into your truck you need to add a T to the vacuum line that is under the dash, right behind the glove box. You run the line through the firewall up to the heater control bypass valve. Now when the a/c is set to "max a/c" the water will bypass the heater core..

If you look closely, the cylindrical object there is the oil filter bracket. . Two hoses come in and out. It's a very tight spot to get the DC there. Under that bracket is the oil filter (white cylindrical with "MOTORCRAFT" on it). on top of the hoses are wiring harness - it is barely visible.

It doesn't look like any oil filter mount/bracket I've seen.. Especially on the X..

Here is what it looks like on 1991 and 1992 engines (It looked the same on the 3 I have and the two the neighbor has).. Here is a pic of my motor when I was rebuilding it.. The oil filter mount in the pic is green with a yellow bolt in the center..




Here's another picture from another angle - from the front right wheel house. See the hose coming in to the bracket - thats the heater hose from the heater locate above it, then comes out (not visible) - to the water pump.

Wow! you have a very nice motor! But clearly the oil filter bracket on my EB is not the same as yours. Mine has water hoses coming out of it! Is this unusual because on a NISSAN PATROL heater hoses also comes in and out of the oil filter bracket ( I was told) - probably for heating the oil in winter.

Now I see it, and I can honestly say, I've never seen a 4.0 ohv motor with that type of oil filter mount. I've seen things similar but they were always oil lines coming out, not heater (coolant).. This is just "odd":confused:

My guess would be the same as yours.. its to help heat or cool the oil... and I would "guess" you could just plug those ports...

I've love to hear if anyone else has that type of setup, or has seen it.. and knows what it really does (does it help heat or cool the oil or both depending on the coolant temp)


Thanks, now I know my EB is an ODDITY haha! Anyways, a picture tells a thousand words as they say. I hope I can fix my injectors do I could use my EB as soon as possible. Gotta go now. I have a shopping list of parts to buy hmm let me see I have one tensioner pulley, idler pulley, gaskets for the intake manifold and I hope I dont need to buy those injectors.

If you end up "needing" injectors I have some spares I'm willing to let go "cheap"..


Thanks, I'm located here in KSA -JEDDAH, hmmm how can i make payment or you deliver it to me?? (Fedex??) . I just also want to let you know, evrytime I click on the "strings" on this forum, some times it re-directs me to a totally different website -German. I click back several times and then I would end back again to the forums. This is strange???

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Thanks, I'm located here in KSA -JEDDAH, hmmm how can i make payment or you deliver it to me?? (Fedex??) . I just also want to let you know, evrytime I click on the "strings" on this forum, some times it re-directs me to a totally different website -German. I click back several times and then I would end back again to the forums. This is strange???

I've never shipped out of the US/Canada.. I'll have to look at what needs to be done..

I'll look in my spare parts bin this weekend and see how many injectors I have left and take some pics for you.. I "think" I may have 4-6 that I'd be willing to part with (I need to keep a few spares for me too :)). I just want to make sure my spares are better than what you already have there.

As for cheap, I was thinking $15 (US) each (thats 20% of a new one) + shipping of course.. :). I have paypal, I've just never recieved funds from anywhere other than US/Canada and UK but I'd assume its done the same way.

