Hello from Argentina | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hello from Argentina


New Member
July 2, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Buenos Aires
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 limited
Hello everybody

I been registrered from a time now but this is my first post , first I want to say tanhk you to all of you , because this forum help me alot with issues of my explo .

I tell you My name is Marcelo and I live in Argentina , I had the explo for 3 years and they gave me a lot of satisfactions , I did a few mods on the explo and there are more to come .

I post a few pictures of my explo







thank you again


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Great photos! I don't know how you were able to do all those Mods and not post about them while you did them. You have much more constraint then I do my friend.

I noticed there are a couple more Fords behind yours. Where these vehicles part of a government plan, or did you get a group together where your from?

Like everyone else said the pics are amazing! What body of water is that?

Like everyone else said the pics are amazing! What body of water is that?

Hi Sue Swamper

that lake is in the province of Catamarca, its the SALAR , of the death man its located in the andes montains at 14.000 feet high , this region of argenina is like Disneyland for all the off raders , there is a lot of places to discover and there is boundaries , you can go where you want for thounthands of km . the media altitud of that region is 11.000 feet and yo can reach the 19.000 feet high at the Corona del Inca , is one of the higest places in the world you can go with a vehicle .

Very cool pictures. Welcome to the forum.

I really like how you mounted your winch. :thumbsup:

Hi Trdle

Thank you

Great photos! I don't know how you were able to do all those Mods and not post about them while you did them. You have much more constraint then I do my friend.

I noticed there are a couple more Fords behind yours. Where these vehicles part of a government plan, or did you get a group together where your from?

Hi Gmanpaint

We are a group of friends , every year we carry a lot of stuff to children rural school that have necesities .
