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Help!!! 97 Explorer Sick Don"tknow What Esle To Do!!!!

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I replaced the Maf and intake temp sensor. Its fixed drives like a new truck. I'm going to try to pull it in the shop later and scan it and see what iat and maf are reading to see which one was the bully. Thanks for everyone's help!

and which one was it

They are both in the same unit so have to be replaced together
I think they are separate parts on pre 2001-

mine are-
If you have a 4 wire maf-they are divorced-
If it is a 6 wire Maf-they are married-

Yeah, on my 97 XL they are seperate units. Did it turn out to be the MAF sensor?

Yeah pre 98 they are seperate. It Maf fixed it.

so on my 98 sport are they together or seperate and did it help with your sluggish take off?
