Help an OZZY out 4x4 convert to 2x4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help an OZZY out 4x4 convert to 2x4


February 12, 2006
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hey guys i am froma australia... over here explorers only came out in a 4x4 they did not import the 2x4s here. basically i am looking at converting my 4x4 to a 2x4 any one know what i am gettin my self into... i will need to order everything from the states. what will i need, what probems might i face?
thaks guys

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it might be helpful to know year it is

It's really fairly easy. First of all, a 2x4 is a piece of wood. You want a 4x2. :D

You could keep your transfer case installed and just run 2wd spindles. Do a search on Hartman. He did this exact same thing.

Otherwise you would need a 2wd transmission, rear driveshaft, etc.

Why are you looking to go 2wd?

sorry guys it is a 97 i believe it is the same model as what your 97 is... basically i am looking at bagging the thing and getting it super low. drive a mini truck atm but am looking at something new and undone around my neck of the woods. the 4x4 gear as you all probably know gets in the way of me bagging it. basically i have not seen a 4x2 so i can not compare what is differant, and everyone i try to get to help me look at me as if i am on drugs. i want this thing laying rail. so yeh 4x4 has to go and i think converting it to your 2 wheel drive is going to be easier than me rebodying it onto a differant 4x2 chasis which by the way i have looked into doing and would use a mazda b series chassis

ok I did the swap and I am about to change back. Here is what you need.

-2wd Spindles
-2wd rotors
-inner and outer bearings with dust seal and dust cap
-abs sensors
-2wd tailshaft for the tranny or a full transmission (if wanted)
-2wd driveshaft (If wanted)

Thats everything you would need. You would obviously remove your front diff, CV's ect. You can just remove the front driveshaft and keep the transfer case and rear driveshaft as is and cost alot less. To do it right you would swap the 4wd tranny out and t-case for a 2wd tranny.

sweet thanks alot mate. any tips on doing the swap, know any repuatable wreckers that i might be able to find all this gear and ship it over to australia... is there any other 2x4 trannies that would bolt straight up??? the only problem i can see is your gear boxs are going to be backwards to me... left hand drive and all. looking if there would be any similar trucks in OZ that i might be able to use. what sort of costs am i looking at to do the swap, not that really matters as its going to be cheaper than my other option... angain thanks for the info guys, much apreciated.
once it starts i willl post a complete build up

anyone know if anyone does a set of drop spindles for explorer?

Why not just pull the front diff and axles off and keep the stock spindles ?

Because he has knuckles. Not spindles.

It doesnt matter... It should not. The wheel can be put back on once the axles are removed same as if the axles were there...

But the axle holds the bearings together. No axle... no bearings.

Jefe has a post about how to run with no axle shafts, but it requires cutting up the half shaft and using the pieces to hold the hub together.

section525 said:
But the axle holds the bearings together. No axle... no bearings.

Jefe has a post about how to run with no axle shafts, but it requires cutting up the half shaft and using the pieces to hold the hub together.

I took the whole thing apart when my drivers side bearing went out and the axle is just a part that runs thru the bearing. The bearing/hub assembly is a totaly seperate part that is does not need other parts to stay together.

This is the part I am talking about. I have replaced that part on my truck so I know exaclt how it is built. It all built into one piece and doesnt seem to need any assistance to stay together.

I am thinking why, but each to there own.

Just remember anything that is heavy is going to cost you a mint to ship it over, anything over $1000AUS you WIIL Be taxed GST and Import Duty on, so keep each package under 1000AUS to avoid this.

“The only problem I can see is your gear boxes are going to be backwards to me” Are you lost me hear, the gear boxes will be the same right or left hand drive won’t make a difference.

And have Fun with the DPI, what state are you in.

jfman said:
I took the whole thing apart when my drivers side bearing went out and the axle is just a part that runs thru the bearing. The bearing/hub assembly is a totaly seperate part that is does not need other parts to stay together.

This is the part I am talking about. I have replaced that part on my truck so I know exaclt how it is built. It all built into one piece and doesnt seem to need any assistance to stay together.
DO NOT run on the 4x4 hubs without the half shaft (or some other device) holding them together! Yes the hub looks like one piece, but it is multiple pieces pressed together to hold the bearings in. Without the half shaft, the hub WILL FAIL after a few miles of driving and could result in a very bad accident.

Jefe said:
DO NOT run on the 4x4 hubs without the half shaft (or some other device) holding them together! Yes the hub looks like one piece, but it is multiple pieces pressed together to hold the bearings in. Without the half shaft, the hub WILL FAIL after a few miles of driving and could result in a very bad accident.

Jfman, this is what happens when you remove the driveshafts and roll around with 4x4 spindles. I don't recommend it.


did the guy who did the conversion get a salvage or just buy parts over the counter

Jfman, this is what happens when you remove the driveshafts and roll around with 4x4 spindles. I don't recommend it.



Hey Finney,

I'm an Aussie living in Atlanta Georgia, and I have an explorer (check the posts in my sig). I've also got a few wreckers around me that have what you need.

As for the 2WD auto you'd need, look for an auto in a mid 90's Falcon, it might be the same, your Ex is a V6 4.0 right ? I think it's a 55r5 or something. Check the other posts on here. At very least a V6 B series Mazda ute might have one.

Don't go changing chassis, you'll get what you want. Let me know if you need a hand locating parts, I can also help with shipping.
