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Help Briandye stay warm


Explorer Addict
January 29, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Topeka, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 V8 Mountaineer
Well since brian has accepted that using an electric heater to warm up his interior in the morning is a very bad idea, I thought maybe we could help him out with some safe ways to keep warm this winter.

I'll start, layers are always good, I usually have at least a sweatshirt and a coat on when I leave the house, the extra layer really helps. Hats help a lot too.

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Or just suck it up and be a real man and drive with the windows down with a/c blasting.

Could always light your own farts.. :D

I'm so sad I missed that thread. :(

I'm so sad I missed that thread. :(

I didn't, it was legendary. A humour transplant would go a long way. The OP should consider one.

Seriously though, I live in Canada. We have winter here. It gets cold. I've owned 4 Explorers and they've all been great winter vehicles. They always start right away and heat up quickly.

I have not had any need for remote start. The best way to warm up your truck is to drive it. I've always used synthetics which excel in "blistering" cold (Editors Note: "blistering" implies heat, not cold). I have seat warmers. If anyone has them in a cold climate, use them. They rock. My heater is blasting the required heat within minutes of driving away.

Re: plugging in a space heater of any variety? Bring on the silly "face-palm" pics. ;)
Posted via Mobile Device

Well since brian has accepted that using an electric heater to warm up his interior in the morning is a very bad idea, I thought maybe we could help him out with some safe ways to keep warm this winter.

I'll start, layers are always good, I usually have at least a sweatshirt and a coat on when I leave the house, the extra layer really helps. Hats help a lot too.

Man you're cold blooded. :D The most I wear in the winter is a long sleeve shirt (usually just to work) and a coat and it's not a heavy parka either. On the weekends I usually leave the house in a t-shirt and light/medium coat.

Yeah....I just usually run out and fire the truck up turn the fan front and rear on to high and turn heat knob the whole way 10 minutes before I leave.

its a mindset!

Get a block heater and plug the truck in, then the coolant will already be over 80 and blowing warm air through the vents...

So from what I gathered from this thread, I assume Brian's heat does not work? My suggestion: fix the heat? - If you have to spend one cold day working on a truck, it's better than spending a whole winter in the cold.

Do I need to knit him a hat and scarf?????????? lol

So from what I gathered from this thread, I assume Brian's heat does not work? My suggestion: fix the heat? - If you have to spend one cold day working on a truck, it's better than spending a whole winter in the cold.

His heat worked, but he wanted it warm before he went to go anywhere. So he bought a space heater to sit on the seat to warm up faster inside.

i got a garage that has a hot water pipe running through it, its not heated, but its like 60 ish due to the pipe. no more cold start mornings

edit, just for the record i still have no idea what happened here

get himself a good fire extinguisher,,

it won't keep him warm, but it will put out the fire that was his Explorer,,

on the good side he could stand next to the Explorer fire for a few minutes to get warm, but it would get cold fast as the fire gets to dangerous to stand next to,,

suck it up Princess, you don't know cold till your Scangauge 2 has an inlet air temp showing -29 f like mine did this morning,,

i got a garage that has a hot water pipe running through it, its not heated, but its like 60 ish due to the pipe. no more cold start mornings

edit, just for the record i still have no idea what happened here

need to pay better attention:D

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was gone before i got there

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